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If your boss makes you work for several weekends at a row with the promise that you will be compensated with leave for the work put in the weekends, but after you finish the work, he says it is a policy to grant only 2 days leave for every 3 days of holidays worked, and whether you are Ok with it. It is not so much about a few missed holidays, but it says a lot about the boss's mentality, doesn't it?
As another example, last November he called everyone of his subordinates to a room, and said we are running behind schedule, so please work in the Saturdays till the holiday shutdown in the last week of December (and you get the 2/3 compensatory leave). What no one knew at that time was that he had already made plans for his own holiday starting from the 3RD WEEK of December and kept it a secret till the day he was flying away.
There were many other incidents from which his cunning mentality is revealed to me.

From India, Bangalore
Dinesh Divekar

Dear friend,
Instances of this kind galore in every industry and every company. No company is exception to this. That is why famous quote makes round "People join companies but they leave their managers"!
Another factor why such managers are tolerated is because of the weak organisation's culture. I don't think your management conducts Employee Satisfaction Survey (ESS). Secondly, your company, it appears that has weak grievance redressing mechanism or no redressal takes place at all.
Try approaching HR department. However, from what you have written, I can very well deduce that HR is not empowered much in your company. That is the tragedy of being an HR in India!

Dinesh V Divekar

Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance.

From India, Bangalore


Not every employee had dare or communicated their PROBLEMS with their SUPERIOR or HRD because of HELPLESS NATURE. Even, if employees communicate their concern of DISSATISFACTION in their ESS, the management will review with their own perception level stating "WE HAVE VERY LESS JOB SATISFACTION IN OUR ORGANISATION, HENCE, WE DON'T HAVE TO WORRY ABOUT IT", but, what does this STATEMENT mean?

YES, this is COMMON, in most of the ORGANISATIONS.

You must understand that, there are MANAGERS who are capable of getting things done from their subordinates/team members by giving them FALSE PROMISES which is a MOTIVATIONAL FACTOR for an employee to INVEST HIS EFFORTS. Hence you fell PREY to such typical kind of MANAGER.

Once you had learnt ATTITUDE of your MANAGER, kindly try to be ASSERTIVE, get everything(COMMITMENTS/PROMISES) in WRITTEN(DOCUMENTED) duly signed by with AUTHORIZED SIGNATORY.

I would suggest you to disclose and discuss with your HRD and escalate it to the TOP MANAGEMENT. You will come to know, the FACTS about the way your ORGANISATION'S CULTURE and it is/was FUNCTIONING.

With profound regards

From India, Chennai

Hi, I will not think to leave job for such reason. nowadays such things are frequently happening in most of the companies. HR in india is very weak. many times we have to accept non acceptable things ALSO.its part of life. Accept the pain and move on .wait for right opportunity and then fly.

From India, Mumbai

I will suggest to takle it differently:
1. Appreciate manager
2. Appreciate his working style
3. Appreciate his management style
4. Tell him / her that all team members under him / her are full of energy at work when he is with them because all team members feels that some one is there to take care of them.
5. Find ways and means to appreciate........and ......
6. Lastly request him to join with you all on work on week day off or on holidays.
7. I am sure he will join on week days for work for once, twice , thrice and later on he will try to find out ways and means not to pressurize sub ordinates for work on off day because he too wants then leave or rest.
Last and most important remember Movie "Lage Raho Munna Bhai" and find out ways and means to make him understand " Let Live (Jeene Do)"
"Water finds its own way". You all become water and you will find way to .
Manjay | <> |+91 9810507200
Malay Gauri Consultants Pvt. Ltd. | <>

From India, Mumbai

Hi all,
I feel almost all of us are sailing in the same boat. I accept the last 2 points of Manjay. Moreover HR is 'Weak in India' is a majorly accepted truth and still it is treated as an support service, not fully considered as support as well. If at all you intend to raise voice against your manager, You ll be adjudged to have a poor attitude, whereas its a million dollar question when these managers will understand they have to change their perception and attitude first. Open door policy, empowerment, flat organizational structure, decentralization and delegation of authority are still only in theory and in no way put into practice in today's organization in India. Long way to go dear friends!!!

From India, Madras
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