1.It’s an incentive to show up.
2.It reduces stress.
3.It leads to more honest communications.
4.It reduces complaints about low pay.
5.It cuts down on time off because you can work with a hangover.
6.Employees tell management what they think, not what management wants to hear.
7.It helps save on heating costs in the winter.
8.It encourages carpooling.
9.Increase job satisfaction because if you have a bad job, you don’t care.
10.It eliminates vacations because people would rather come to work.
11.It makes fellow employees look better.
12.It makes the cafeteria food taste better.
13.Bosses are more likely to hand out raises when they are wasted.
14.Salary negotiations are a lot more profitable.
15.Suddenly, burping during a meeting isn’t so embarrassing.
16.Employees work later since there’s no longer a need to relax at the bar.
17.It makes everyone more open with their ideas.
18.Everyone agrees the work is better after they’ve had a couple of drinks.
19.Eliminates the need for employees to get drunk on their lunch break.
20.Increases the chance of seeing your boss naked. (YUCK!)
21.It promotes foreign relations with the former Soviet Union.
22.The janitor’s closet will finally have a use.
23.Employees no longer need coffee to sober up.
24.Sitting on the copy machine will no longer be seen as "gross,"
25.Babbling and mumbling incoherently will be common language.
Wht do u guys think???????????
From India, Madras
2.It reduces stress.
3.It leads to more honest communications.
4.It reduces complaints about low pay.
5.It cuts down on time off because you can work with a hangover.
6.Employees tell management what they think, not what management wants to hear.
7.It helps save on heating costs in the winter.
8.It encourages carpooling.
9.Increase job satisfaction because if you have a bad job, you don’t care.
10.It eliminates vacations because people would rather come to work.
11.It makes fellow employees look better.
12.It makes the cafeteria food taste better.
13.Bosses are more likely to hand out raises when they are wasted.
14.Salary negotiations are a lot more profitable.
15.Suddenly, burping during a meeting isn’t so embarrassing.
16.Employees work later since there’s no longer a need to relax at the bar.
17.It makes everyone more open with their ideas.
18.Everyone agrees the work is better after they’ve had a couple of drinks.
19.Eliminates the need for employees to get drunk on their lunch break.
20.Increases the chance of seeing your boss naked. (YUCK!)
21.It promotes foreign relations with the former Soviet Union.
22.The janitor’s closet will finally have a use.
23.Employees no longer need coffee to sober up.
24.Sitting on the copy machine will no longer be seen as "gross,"
25.Babbling and mumbling incoherently will be common language.
Wht do u guys think???????????
From India, Madras
I know of a company [IT Company] here where the employees are free to have beer in their workplace. People have beer like water.
I think this is one of the new strategies followed by the IT co. But it would not be surprising if other companies follow it.
Soumya Shankar
From India, Bangalore
I know of a company [IT Company] here where the employees are free to have beer in their workplace. People have beer like water.
I think this is one of the new strategies followed by the IT co. But it would not be surprising if other companies follow it.
Soumya Shankar
From India, Bangalore
Hi Raddie, The joke would be that what is thought was a joke was actually not a joke. Iam not kidding. Its just that I don’t want to name the company. But it is true. Regards, Soumya Shankar
From India, Bangalore
From India, Bangalore
Hi All ,
Though the 25 logics are fine but Alchohol involves endless issues in working performance ,Then all employees will have sound reason to be non perfoming and Misbehave . But may be Once in a Week which can be sat Night / Sun .We will pay for fun or for work ,Fun must be profitable to the organization s.
Natasha Kumar
Human Resource
Though the 25 logics are fine but Alchohol involves endless issues in working performance ,Then all employees will have sound reason to be non perfoming and Misbehave . But may be Once in a Week which can be sat Night / Sun .We will pay for fun or for work ,Fun must be profitable to the organization s.
Natasha Kumar
Human Resource
dear natasha, post is in humour column...so dnt get serious with the topic regards scare_crow
From India, Mumbai
From India, Mumbai
I agree with u Vishal. It is to be taken in a positive way....and lets for once just kickoff and enjoy the humor....Wht do u say???? Rads
From India, Madras
From India, Madras
What is the difference between Teacher / Coach / Mentor / Facilitator / Catalyst / Learner and TRAINER?
I would also add the titles ‘Instructor’ ,‘Lecturer’, ‘Moderator’, ‘Presenter’, ‘Speaker’ and ‘Tutor’ to this list.
A given individual within a ‘job’ may be performing several of these roles and within a particular situation may mix and match them to suit the needs of that situation. It is understandable therefore that there can be some confusion about the particular interpretation to be given to these terms when it is used as part of a job title.
A ‘Teacher’ ¬- works within the Primary-Secondary Education field (Lecturer within the Further/Higher Education field). Both are servants to a syllabus. The lecture will have little to no audience participation. The crucial distinction between these two is that the Lecturer can assume that the audience is there because of a desire or need to know about the topic. Both can assign homework. The ‘Teacher’ role may be a combination of Lecturer, Trainer, Facilitator/Moderator.
A ‘Presenter’ – The need of this person to impart information is usually greater than the audience’s need or desire to receive it. They cannot assign homework. It is sometimes used to mean the ‘input’ (lecture) aspects of a ‘Trainer’ or ‘Instructor’s role.
A ‘Speaker’ ¬ – This role is not the same as a ‘Presenter’s’. The Speaker’s primary purpose is for entertainment. This may be in the form of a ‘talk’ or an ‘after-dinner speech’. The topic may be of less importance than the Speaker’s skill as a raconteur or even their status.
A ‘Coach’ – The origin of the word coach is from a more comfortable form of travel. The role of the Coach in relation to learning was originally related to assisting an individual to prepare for examinations, (a private
tutor). This role may therefore be extrapolated as being to assist an individual feel more comfortable in progressing towards some form of ‘success’. Therefore it can be related more to ‘mental set’ rather than providing specific ‘teaching, instruction or training’ in a particular topic. A Coach may offer counsel at a personal level to enable an individual come to decisions concerning personal issues or doubts. It therefore can supplement the role of…
An ‘Instructor’ – (This may be equated as the Industrial/Business equivalent of a ‘Teachers’ role.) The role of the Instructor is in relation to topics that essentially work on the principle of ‘one right answer’. The *hard/technical or functional* skills, as needed in respect of how to put the parts of an aeroplane, bridge, car etc together; or in the teaching of ‘hard’ competencies as deriving from a ‘driving instructor, flight instructor, army instructor etc. There is no allowance for personal interpretation or feeling in respect of whether 2+2 == 4. They too will work within a specific and laid down syllabus as with the Teacher/Lecturer.
A ‘Trainer’ – may be classified as someone who enables people to learn in relation to *soft /inter-personal* skills i.e. in relation to topics for which there is not one right answer; i.e. communicating, dealing with conflict, problem-solving and decision making. These topics may have a specific process model related to them but there is no one right answer coming out of them personal interpretation and feeling is a natural component. There may be one crucial difference between the Trainer role and that of the Teacher, Lecturer, Instructor roles. The syllabus determined in the Teaching, Lecturing, Instructing situations is primarily independent of any individual who will be going through the ‘Lessons/Lectures’. A Training syllabus may be derived from the personal needs of the participants. Therefore repeated programmes on a topic may be dramatically different in detailed content or nature.
A ‘Tutor’ – has a role effectively to supplement the role of a ‘Lecturer’, within a specific syllabus. (These different roles may be carried out by the same person in regard to a particular topic.) They will set assignments and have ‘students’ present their responses. The tutor will then act to check the knowledge and understanding of the student through question and debate. This may be done in a one-to-one or group situation. Effectively this has a strong correlation with the original role of a ‘Coach’ as used to give supplemental practice to someone preparing for exams.
The title also refers to the role of a ‘private teacher’ brought into a home.
Facilitator – A facilitator has no remit to ‘teach, train, instruct, coach etc’. The title derives from the term “to make easier”. Primarily a Facilitator works from outside rather than inside a group (or with an individual). Their remit is to observe and where they see that a group (person) is making things difficult for themselves in some way to intervene in such a way as to cause the group (person) to pause and observe their actions and identify how they are hindering themselves and identify how they should deal with the concern in order to make their working ‘easier’. The facilitator does not lead or direct the group although they may ask questions as a *devil’s advocate* in order to get them to identify hindrances etc. It therefore differs from the role of…
Moderator – Who moves from the facilitator role to lead the group in resolving the issue by prompting, indicating or demonstrating so as to cause them to identify a specific or *correct* process (not *answer*) to use.
Mentor – Derived from the name of the ‘older head (wise)’ and ‘trusted’ ‘adviser’ left by Odysseus to support and assist his son Telemachus to run the Kingdom. This is the essential role of a Mentor. A Mentor is also a form of Patron. (Someone who protects and aids a protégé.) The actions of a Patron may be in respect of the production of something they want, e.g. a work of art or a ‘tit-for-tat’ basis. The actions of a Mentor may be partly the same as a Patron but are done on the basis of friendship and trust. A Mentor may also offer counsel at a personal level when an individual is suffering doubts. (A key reason as to why a line-manager cannot be a full Mentor to one of their staff.) Arguably a Mentor also supports a ‘protégé’ and not a ‘mentee’. (Dissatisfaction with “Mentee” causes some organisations to use the word “Learner” instead.
Catalyst – A person or thing that causes change. Someone in any one of the roles described above is by the nature of their role acting as a catalyst. Catalyst is not so much a role title, as these others are, as a role behaviour. Also anyone can be a catalyst they do not have to have a role specifically within the ‘learning’ arena. (Here I use the word training to encompass all of the roles above.)
Learner – Someone who learns. This learning may be a response to input within a formal setting, in which they may be termed pupils, students, trainees, participants and even learners. They may be outside a formal learning situation and be studying privately, therefore they may be termed students or learners. They may be outside any situation other than life and simply learn accidentally or incidentally from experience or observation.
What are the responsibilities of Training Department, Participants and TRAINER before, during and after the training program?
I would suggest that:
a) the critical group missing from this question is *Managers*
b) there is no one answer to this question.
It depends upon the interpretation put upon the term “Training” by the Organisation.
This may be essentially the running of courses based in the functional skill needed by the organisation. E.g. related to the skills needed to assemble a car with virtually no other training done other than occasional attendance on an external course on the basis of the ’glossy brochure syndrome’. Therefore primarily related to Instruction.
At the other end of the scale the service provided might be that of an internal consultancy promoting performance management and responding to the identified needs for performance enhancement.
Or any permutation on the scale between them or in any other direction.
Each of these orientations will require different responsibilities and activities.
Deriving from the Systematic Analytical Training process, and attempting a holistic coverage I suggest:
Managers – Assessment of the organisation and market situations so as to determine needs also identifying actual or potential performance shortfalls (Organisational, Unit, Team & Individual levels) and establishing (in conjunction with the ‘Training Department’) Training Plans and Resources to counter these. Identifying with individuals personal learning objectives and provisional action plans for improvements on their return.
Department/Trainers – Assessment of the organisation and market situations so as to determine needs and the analysis of these to determine which may be met by a ‘training &/or development’ response.
Trainers – Assessment of ‘training & development’ needs and the formulation of programmes to meet the identified learning objectives arising from these.
‘Employees’ – To assess personal and professional development needs derived from meeting team/individual objectives (as cascaded from Business/Service Plan needs.)
Department (Admin) /Trainers– Ensuring that the ‘stage management’ (administration and logistics) factors do not disrupt or inhibit the training activities or the individual learning.
Trainers – Deliver the events (in whatever form or medium) so as to meet the identified needs.
Participants – Participate and take accountability for their learning and continuing professional development.
Managers – Supporting individuals during their learning by ensuring release and no disturbance from work issues.
Training Department/Trainers implement the processes of:
Internal Validation – Did the ‘training’ achieve the identified learning objectives? How effective was the experience/trainer etc?
External Validation – Where these the right objectives – i.e. has the learning been transferred and is it being applied on the job?
Evaluation – Is the total training service (or a major programme) being provided on a cost-benefit basis? I.e. What are the returns on the
‘Employees’ – Construct and commit to application of the learning within their work situation.
Managers – Collaborate with ‘Employees’ to commit to action plans and the implementation of their learning.
What is the importance of Games / Exercises / Role Plays / Group Discussions in Training programs?
Per se they have no importance. They are only valid or important when they serve as appropriate and relevant ‘vehicles’ to aid the ‘trainer’ deliver the necessary knowledge skills and behaviours and/or aid the learner to receive and understand them.
Part of the difficulty lies in terminology such as ‘Games’ and Role ‘Play’ I would suggest that terms such as: -simulations (a model scenario in which individual respond to situations as themselves not as ‘actors in roles’), -exercises (activities which enable individuals to consolidate or check their learning.), -activities (concerned with the application of their learning within their working situation) are used instead.
The TRAINER should be more Smart or more Knowledgeable or more skilled or more Honest or a combination of all (?) to be successful?
-- more ‘Smart’ – In the sense of more ‘intellectually capable’ than the people they ‘train’? I cannot imagine every ‘trainer’ being in the top one-per-cent of the population in any intelligence test.
-- more ‘Knowledgeable’ – I would expect someone ‘instructing; lecturing etc’ in a topic to be more knowledgeable on the topic than the people in their classes.
A ‘Trainer’ may not need to be more knowledgeable than every person in a class on a topic, particularly if their role is orientated to *creating learning opportunities*. If people are more knowledgeable than the ‘trainer’ however, why are they on the programme?
-- Facilitators / Moderators need have no ‘functional’ knowledge in relation to what the people they are supporting do. It will help and enable them to be possibly more pertinent in their questions but it is not essential. (For example although knowing nothing about production or electricity sub-station design a facilitator/moderator can support a team to design a one to be manufactured at lower cost.)
How much he should be aware of his incompetence and ignorance?
In relation to what? Of knowing the square root of Pi or the Capital of… or driving a racing car, of going down a bobsleigh run…?
In relation to the topic/topics that they instruct, train, lecture etc in I would suggest that they will know where their knowledge of their topic/s stops – they should be able to accept and admit this if a question beyond this is posed to them. They should be on a contiguous learning curve to update their competence as part of a process of continuing professional development. (This should derive from personal desire as much as organisational demand.)
In relation to their competence as an instructor, trainer, lecturer etc I would suggest 100-per-cent through well designed Internal Validation forms.
Which five qualities TRAINER should possess?
Regardless of the particular variation of role, in addition to having comprehensive topic knowledge, probably:
- Enthusiasm -- For their topic and their role and supporting others
- Adaptability -- As few if any programmes survive first contact with the participants
- Competence -- In the particular skills of their form of the trade (Instructor, Trainer, Teacher, Lecturer etc)
- Competence in inter-personal communication
- Knowing when and being prepared to, take on difficulties themselves in order to make things easier for their ‘service users’.
What is the difference between Teacher / Coach / Mentor / Facilitator / Catalyst / Learner and TRAINER?
I would also add the titles ‘Instructor’ ,‘Lecturer’, ‘Moderator’, ‘Presenter’, ‘Speaker’ and ‘Tutor’ to this list.
A given individual within a ‘job’ may be performing several of these roles and within a particular situation may mix and match them to suit the needs of that situation. It is understandable therefore that there can be some confusion about the particular interpretation to be given to these terms when it is used as part of a job title.
A ‘Teacher’ ¬- works within the Primary-Secondary Education field (Lecturer within the Further/Higher Education field). Both are servants to a syllabus. The lecture will have little to no audience participation. The crucial distinction between these two is that the Lecturer can assume that the audience is there because of a desire or need to know about the topic. Both can assign homework. The ‘Teacher’ role may be a combination of Lecturer, Trainer, Facilitator/Moderator.
A ‘Presenter’ – The need of this person to impart information is usually greater than the audience’s need or desire to receive it. They cannot assign homework. It is sometimes used to mean the ‘input’ (lecture) aspects of a ‘Trainer’ or ‘Instructor’s role.
A ‘Speaker’ ¬ – This role is not the same as a ‘Presenter’s’. The Speaker’s primary purpose is for entertainment. This may be in the form of a ‘talk’ or an ‘after-dinner speech’. The topic may be of less importance than the Speaker’s skill as a raconteur or even their status.
A ‘Coach’ – The origin of the word coach is from a more comfortable form of travel. The role of the Coach in relation to learning was originally related to assisting an individual to prepare for examinations, (a private
tutor). This role may therefore be extrapolated as being to assist an individual feel more comfortable in progressing towards some form of ‘success’. Therefore it can be related more to ‘mental set’ rather than providing specific ‘teaching, instruction or training’ in a particular topic. A Coach may offer counsel at a personal level to enable an individual come to decisions concerning personal issues or doubts. It therefore can supplement the role of…
An ‘Instructor’ – (This may be equated as the Industrial/Business equivalent of a ‘Teachers’ role.) The role of the Instructor is in relation to topics that essentially work on the principle of ‘one right answer’. The *hard/technical or functional* skills, as needed in respect of how to put the parts of an aeroplane, bridge, car etc together; or in the teaching of ‘hard’ competencies as deriving from a ‘driving instructor, flight instructor, army instructor etc. There is no allowance for personal interpretation or feeling in respect of whether 2+2 == 4. They too will work within a specific and laid down syllabus as with the Teacher/Lecturer.
A ‘Trainer’ – may be classified as someone who enables people to learn in relation to *soft /inter-personal* skills i.e. in relation to topics for which there is not one right answer; i.e. communicating, dealing with conflict, problem-solving and decision making. These topics may have a specific process model related to them but there is no one right answer coming out of them personal interpretation and feeling is a natural component. There may be one crucial difference between the Trainer role and that of the Teacher, Lecturer, Instructor roles. The syllabus determined in the Teaching, Lecturing, Instructing situations is primarily independent of any individual who will be going through the ‘Lessons/Lectures’. A Training syllabus may be derived from the personal needs of the participants. Therefore repeated programmes on a topic may be dramatically different in detailed content or nature.
A ‘Tutor’ – has a role effectively to supplement the role of a ‘Lecturer’, within a specific syllabus. (These different roles may be carried out by the same person in regard to a particular topic.) They will set assignments and have ‘students’ present their responses. The tutor will then act to check the knowledge and understanding of the student through question and debate. This may be done in a one-to-one or group situation. Effectively this has a strong correlation with the original role of a ‘Coach’ as used to give supplemental practice to someone preparing for exams.
The title also refers to the role of a ‘private teacher’ brought into a home.
Facilitator – A facilitator has no remit to ‘teach, train, instruct, coach etc’. The title derives from the term “to make easier”. Primarily a Facilitator works from outside rather than inside a group (or with an individual). Their remit is to observe and where they see that a group (person) is making things difficult for themselves in some way to intervene in such a way as to cause the group (person) to pause and observe their actions and identify how they are hindering themselves and identify how they should deal with the concern in order to make their working ‘easier’. The facilitator does not lead or direct the group although they may ask questions as a *devil’s advocate* in order to get them to identify hindrances etc. It therefore differs from the role of…
Moderator – Who moves from the facilitator role to lead the group in resolving the issue by prompting, indicating or demonstrating so as to cause them to identify a specific or *correct* process (not *answer*) to use.
Mentor – Derived from the name of the ‘older head (wise)’ and ‘trusted’ ‘adviser’ left by Odysseus to support and assist his son Telemachus to run the Kingdom. This is the essential role of a Mentor. A Mentor is also a form of Patron. (Someone who protects and aids a protégé.) The actions of a Patron may be in respect of the production of something they want, e.g. a work of art or a ‘tit-for-tat’ basis. The actions of a Mentor may be partly the same as a Patron but are done on the basis of friendship and trust. A Mentor may also offer counsel at a personal level when an individual is suffering doubts. (A key reason as to why a line-manager cannot be a full Mentor to one of their staff.) Arguably a Mentor also supports a ‘protégé’ and not a ‘mentee’. (Dissatisfaction with “Mentee” causes some organisations to use the word “Learner” instead.
Catalyst – A person or thing that causes change. Someone in any one of the roles described above is by the nature of their role acting as a catalyst. Catalyst is not so much a role title, as these others are, as a role behaviour. Also anyone can be a catalyst they do not have to have a role specifically within the ‘learning’ arena. (Here I use the word training to encompass all of the roles above.)
Learner – Someone who learns. This learning may be a response to input within a formal setting, in which they may be termed pupils, students, trainees, participants and even learners. They may be outside a formal learning situation and be studying privately, therefore they may be termed students or learners. They may be outside any situation other than life and simply learn accidentally or incidentally from experience or observation.
What are the responsibilities of Training Department, Participants and TRAINER before, during and after the training program?
I would suggest that:
a) the critical group missing from this question is *Managers*
b) there is no one answer to this question.
It depends upon the interpretation put upon the term “Training” by the Organisation.
This may be essentially the running of courses based in the functional skill needed by the organisation. E.g. related to the skills needed to assemble a car with virtually no other training done other than occasional attendance on an external course on the basis of the ’glossy brochure syndrome’. Therefore primarily related to Instruction.
At the other end of the scale the service provided might be that of an internal consultancy promoting performance management and responding to the identified needs for performance enhancement.
Or any permutation on the scale between them or in any other direction.
Each of these orientations will require different responsibilities and activities.
Deriving from the Systematic Analytical Training process, and attempting a holistic coverage I suggest:
Managers – Assessment of the organisation and market situations so as to determine needs also identifying actual or potential performance shortfalls (Organisational, Unit, Team & Individual levels) and establishing (in conjunction with the ‘Training Department’) Training Plans and Resources to counter these. Identifying with individuals personal learning objectives and provisional action plans for improvements on their return.
Department/Trainers – Assessment of the organisation and market situations so as to determine needs and the analysis of these to determine which may be met by a ‘training &/or development’ response.
Trainers – Assessment of ‘training & development’ needs and the formulation of programmes to meet the identified learning objectives arising from these.
‘Employees’ – To assess personal and professional development needs derived from meeting team/individual objectives (as cascaded from Business/Service Plan needs.)
Department (Admin) /Trainers– Ensuring that the ‘stage management’ (administration and logistics) factors do not disrupt or inhibit the training activities or the individual learning.
Trainers – Deliver the events (in whatever form or medium) so as to meet the identified needs.
Participants – Participate and take accountability for their learning and continuing professional development.
Managers – Supporting individuals during their learning by ensuring release and no disturbance from work issues.
Training Department/Trainers implement the processes of:
Internal Validation – Did the ‘training’ achieve the identified learning objectives? How effective was the experience/trainer etc?
External Validation – Where these the right objectives – i.e. has the learning been transferred and is it being applied on the job?
Evaluation – Is the total training service (or a major programme) being provided on a cost-benefit basis? I.e. What are the returns on the
‘Employees’ – Construct and commit to application of the learning within their work situation.
Managers – Collaborate with ‘Employees’ to commit to action plans and the implementation of their learning.
What is the importance of Games / Exercises / Role Plays / Group Discussions in Training programs?
Per se they have no importance. They are only valid or important when they serve as appropriate and relevant ‘vehicles’ to aid the ‘trainer’ deliver the necessary knowledge skills and behaviours and/or aid the learner to receive and understand them.
Part of the difficulty lies in terminology such as ‘Games’ and Role ‘Play’ I would suggest that terms such as: -simulations (a model scenario in which individual respond to situations as themselves not as ‘actors in roles’), -exercises (activities which enable individuals to consolidate or check their learning.), -activities (concerned with the application of their learning within their working situation) are used instead.
The TRAINER should be more Smart or more Knowledgeable or more skilled or more Honest or a combination of all (?) to be successful?
-- more ‘Smart’ – In the sense of more ‘intellectually capable’ than the people they ‘train’? I cannot imagine every ‘trainer’ being in the top one-per-cent of the population in any intelligence test.
-- more ‘Knowledgeable’ – I would expect someone ‘instructing; lecturing etc’ in a topic to be more knowledgeable on the topic than the people in their classes.
A ‘Trainer’ may not need to be more knowledgeable than every person in a class on a topic, particularly if their role is orientated to *creating learning opportunities*. If people are more knowledgeable than the ‘trainer’ however, why are they on the programme?
-- Facilitators / Moderators need have no ‘functional’ knowledge in relation to what the people they are supporting do. It will help and enable them to be possibly more pertinent in their questions but it is not essential. (For example although knowing nothing about production or electricity sub-station design a facilitator/moderator can support a team to design a one to be manufactured at lower cost.)
How much he should be aware of his incompetence and ignorance?
In relation to what? Of knowing the square root of Pi or the Capital of… or driving a racing car, of going down a bobsleigh run…?
In relation to the topic/topics that they instruct, train, lecture etc in I would suggest that they will know where their knowledge of their topic/s stops – they should be able to accept and admit this if a question beyond this is posed to them. They should be on a contiguous learning curve to update their competence as part of a process of continuing professional development. (This should derive from personal desire as much as organisational demand.)
In relation to their competence as an instructor, trainer, lecturer etc I would suggest 100-per-cent through well designed Internal Validation forms.
Which five qualities TRAINER should possess?
Regardless of the particular variation of role, in addition to having comprehensive topic knowledge, probably:
- Enthusiasm -- For their topic and their role and supporting others
- Adaptability -- As few if any programmes survive first contact with the participants
- Competence -- In the particular skills of their form of the trade (Instructor, Trainer, Teacher, Lecturer etc)
- Competence in inter-personal communication
- Knowing when and being prepared to, take on difficulties themselves in order to make things easier for their ‘service users’.
Hhmmmm..... forget the topic. Now i feel like having chilled beer 8) :P What say :?: :wink: Sapana
From India, Pune
From India, Pune
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