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Avani amy
Hi..I was working in an MNC where one guy was tooo nice on floor bt personally harassing a lot ..on whts app...I hv given him three chances to not to do such stuff as he was married n have family ..I never wanted him to b terminates..but after third time .I hv complained to higher authority ...N they didn't take any action he was experienced person...eventually I had quit d job as it was difficult to work under such atmo..
From India, Kolkata
Dinesh Divekar

Dear Avani,

You could have or should have approached this forum before and not after your resignation. Junior members seek advice when they face some problem. What is the logic of approaching this forum after the resignation?

From your post, it appears that you were soft to a person who harassed you. There was no need to show empathy or sympathy to those who harass. When he started harassing you, you had given three chances. In spite of your warning when he was not amenable, you gave approached senior authorities. How did you approach? Did you put up formal written application to HR and obtain the signature on the duplicate copy?

If the senior authorities turned the cold shoulder, you could have written a letter to MD. Why you did not do that? If the harasser sent you messages to you on WhatsApp, then this evidence was sufficient to lodge a police complaint. Why you did not do that? At least you could have approached local body of National Council for Women (NCW). They Would have lent a helping hand to you. Not taking any action on receipt of formal complaint from a woman employee itself is prosecutable offence.

Your resignation is nothing but a sign of withdrawal and it could embolden the harasser. Govt of India has made adequate legal provisions by passing laws. Instead of taking benefit of those provisions, you have resigned. For a woman who has mentality of 18th century, nothing can be said further!


Dinesh Divekar

From India, Bangalore
Hi avani ..why you just Came this you gave that a person a confidence to do the same to other girls ...and atleast after you decided to quit you should bring this issue to be open so that atleast others will came to know about him
From India, undefined
Cite Contribution

Dar Avani,
We understand what you went through. But now what are you expecting out of us? Do you want us to frame the reason that you would state during your next interview?
Or do you want us to share with you some suggestions on what to do in such situations?
Since we are a solution-oriented forum , we wish to find some for you, that you are looking for!

From India, Mumbai
Avani amy
Hi all...
Thank u fr yr replies...I hv spoken with hr person..the situation was like after doing complains ...being a senior ..he was using his power...he was in u can imagine how worst he might have's not about strong or 18th century's about ruining my career n wasting time over there ...thank u toshi......yes ...pls guide us

From India, Kolkata
Dinesh Divekar

Dear Avani,

It appears that you have perceived that senior person as dreadful ogre. There was no need to do so. If he sent you offensive messages, then all that was required to approach to the Labour Office of your area and explain your problem to the Labour Officer (LO). Labour Department takes complaints of this kind very seriously. Possibly Asst Labour Commissioner (ALC) or Dy Labour Commissioner (DLC) would have sent letter to your MD. On receipt of letter, your MD would have come running around. Some QC Manager, is small fry for them.

Bangalore has large number of MNCs. These big shots developed cold feet when labour department had sent them notices. None of the MNC, Indian or otherwise, has dared to ignore notice from the labour department.

Even now also you can approach Labour Office. Make sure that the complaint is genuine and you have sufficient material evidence. However, your resignation has weakened your case at least partially, if not fully, The other option is to approach NCW.


Dinesh Divekar

From India, Bangalore
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