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Dear All,
I have just joined a new IT company which is in its start-up phase, I need to design leave policy, our parent company is having 24 paid leaves in a year, but they have not distinguish CL/SL/EL.... they don't have any HR policy there.Now, in my new company they want me to design leave policy but they will only give 24 leaves in a year, so how to design CL/SL/EL for that, kindly help.
Thanks & Regards
Sr.HR Executive

From India, Bangalore

read the Shops and estbalishment law that you fall under. it will help clatrify and make policy on the basis of that
From India, Chandigarh

Dear Ms. Priya
As per Shops & Commercial establishment act all the companies should have 1EL for every 20 days worked. As per above statement all employees might get 14-16 EL per annum based on the number of day's you work a week. Remaining you can make it as SL.

From India, Bangalore

Dear Priya, You can design a Leave policy as, 6- Sick Leave 6- Casual Leave And 12 - Earned Leave In most of the companies earned leaves are more because its en cash-able. Thanks
From India, Bangalore
Dear Ms Priya,
As per Shops & establishment act all the companies should have 1EL for every 20 days worked. As per above statement all employees might get 14-16 EL per annum based on the number of day', You can design a Leave policy as,
5- Sick Leave
5- Casual Leave And
14 - Earned Leave
Best Regards
Rajeev Ranjan Shrivastava
DS Hotels & Resorts (India) Ltd.

From India

I think you should go with 6- Sick Leave/SL 6- Casual Leave/CL 12 - Earned Leave/EL As often companies follow the same for leave policy and I think there’s nothing wrong with this.
From India, Lucknow
Hi Priya,

Hope this will be of some help to design your leave policy;

Sick Leave (SL)

Staff is entitled to sick leave up to XX working days per year for his/her sickness. The leave year will coincide with the fiscal year i.e. April to March. Sick leave balances may be carried forward to the next year and accumulated up to a maximum of XX days. However, for accumulated sick leaves to be used for long term illness, a medical certificate or hospital discharge summary needs to be submitted. Unused sick leave beyond XX days shall be forfeited. Sick leave cannot be encashed. Sick leave beyond three days must be supported by a doctor’s certificate to be submitted to the HR Dept. on the day of the employee’s return to office.

Annual Leave (AL)

All regular staff will be entitled to XX working days of annual leave during the leave year which coincide with the fiscal year i.e. Arpil to March. Staff members are encouraged to avail their AL in a planned manner unless specifically requested by the Supervisor not to take leave in order to cope with the exigencies of his/her duties. Staff members are encouraged to apply for an annual leave, for more than 3 days, at least fifteen days in advance by submitting an annual leave application first for approval by his/her supervisor and then to the HR Dept. Staff members will be allowed to carry forward a maximum of XX days annual leaves each fiscal year and accumulate a maximum of up to XX days. Unused annual leaves beyond XX days shall be forfeited. Upon ending employment, staff may encash a maximum of XX days of unused annual leaves, which shall be calculated at the rate of last month’s salary drawn divided by 26 working days.

Casual Leave (CL)

Every employee is entitled for XX days of Casual Leaves during the fiscal Year. Casual leave if not availed will be lapsed at the end of every fiscal year. Casual leave may be refused in case of exceptional pressure of work necessarily requiring the employee’s presence. Ordinarily, prior permission of Supervisor for casual leave shall be obtained by the employee, but when this is not possible, the employee shall inform in writing as soon as practicable for grant of such leave. However, leave shall not be refused where it has been asked for on account of an accident causing physical injury to the employee, death in the family or sickness of the employee or his dependents

From India, Delhi

Hi Priya,,
Leave policy should be defined as per applicable rules, it can be Shops & Est. Act or Factories Act. it depends upon your office registration whether its S&E Act or Factories Act. Also every state has their own leave rules , you have to defined your leave policy as per locations/state instead of standard leave entitlement for all employees working in company in different locations.
Also you have to maintain leave with wages register for all the locations.
Umesh Agarwal

From India, Hyderabad
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