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Hey HR experts
I am Milan and I can’t controlling a Contract labour Bcoz they come to company first three days and after two days absent and after few days come to company so many problem in a production and other company work, How can handling this issues and kindly suggest to me manpower controlling. Which action to labour that not come to regularly
Please suggest me.
Thanks. & Regards,

From India, Ahmedabad

Dear Milan
Hope you are paying the workers only on the basis of their attendance. If you have given them any accommodation, then ask them to vacate and instruct the contractor to have control over their man power. Instruct the contractor to keep the worker in the accommodation only who are regularly coming to work and those irregular can be sent back and they cannot be engaged in future. You are having the photo of the worker inyour records, please make use of the same and instruct the gate security not to allow the worker inside the premises.
In other way you can declare some attendance bonus to the workers and the contractors and whoever coming in correct time, all the days in the month will be paid with some monetary benefit. This will positively motivate the worker as well as the contractor to make them to run for duty.

From India, Kumbakonam
Bhardwaj Ramesh

Dear Mr. Bhaskar,

Valuable views which can be implemented.

In addition I would like to share my views on the same.

1 It is very important to select the Good and reputed Contractors whos record is appreciable in the concerned Industrial Area. If we make good selection of Labour Contractors our tension will be less.

2 . As you rightly mentioned .Attendance Incentive (In our company we are paying Rs.300/- per month to the workers who make 26 days in the month. We are are paying the same on Quarterly Basis

to lessen the ESI liability.

3 Make it a habit and system to make the payments of the labour within the time frame.

4 Provide welfare facilities..............and rates as being given in the concerned industrial area as

Always treat them as good human beings. Small small thins pay very much as caring about their advances, medical treatment etc. These are Image Building excerses which ultimately pay in the long run.

5 As we know that the labour class frequently change the companies even if they get Rs3/ 5/--more in the other factories.

6 As I already mentioned that selection of Reputed Contractors is very crucial. It is the general tedency of the contractors to distribute their labour as per the defficiency of other units where they are engaging the labour.frequently move the labour from one unit to the other to make good the gap. But Good contractors shall not do the same.

7 Also train the different departmental heads regarding the sensitivity of HR issues.The labours stability also depends on the treatment they are receiving in their departments.

8 Care about their problems. .as advances etc. We here are not dependent on the contractors for any advances. But the limit is fixed. Only we do to provide the advances against the Contractor's Bills to be deducted at the time of finalisation of their bills.

9 Always listen to their views and give solutions to their problems.

The above were the views which came to my mind.

From India, New Delhi

Respected HR Professional
I am Vijayakumar Working a Private Company in Pondicherry, My Problem is that our company engaged contract labour for some kind of work, The Labours are not in regular attendance one month they worked after two to three months they are not return to factory for various issues, then new peoples are coming and the exhausted, same problem we are asking the contractor regarding their registration no they dont give correct answer several peoples are missing under ESI.

From India, Madras
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