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Dear All,
I am working as a safety officer on the housing construction site where unskilled labour is employed by sub contractors.Despite my best efforts I am unable to enforce use of PPEs or other safety guide lines to this labour.One of the reasons is the sub contractors of the labour who do not encourage them to use the PPEs as it hampers their speed of work(as per them)and the workers do not like to put on helmets or safety belts as it is not comfortable to them.Normally under such cases,we try to punish the concerned contractor by imposing fines etc. but here also the company is lukewarm as they do not want to take some step which ends up in losing the labour.The labour is illiterate and ignorant about the dangers envolved and sometimes careless also.They simply do not try to conceive the idea that it is all for their own welfare.They simply do not listen to the supervisory staff and obey safety rules till the time I am present and go back to unsafe working as soon as I leave.Please suggest if any body has faced such situation.What kind of legal implication are there if there is some accident under such cases and what kind of measures can be taken to avoid this.

From India, Delhi

This is a typical case in construction. However in bigger companies like L&T ECC, Jayaprakash group, if the workers are found without using PPE, they will be reprimanded first and in case of repeated occurance the contractor and his work force will be sent out. But this is due to the complete coviction of the top managment on safe working practices and safe working conditions.
If there is an accident onside, it would be definitely having legal consequence on both the contractor and the principal employer. Unfortunately many of such incidents get " MANAGED" and get closed by paying some compensation to the next kin of the victim.
It is advisable to hold some film shows for both your management and the workers including the contractors. This could be done by using some of the videos what national safety council has brought out exclusively on construction safety.
Kind regards
Dayanand L Guddin
Advisor HR

From Singapore, Singapore

Thanks Dayanand for your valuable views and advice.I think in my case the problem lies with the management.They do not want to spend on safety and I think my employment is only to fulfil some statutory requirements.These people are penny wise pound fool.Since they are not serious on safety ,nobody else seems to be serious.But all this is a cause of concern and frustration for me because I want to do my duty honestly and do not want to be blamedfor something of not my doing.Kindly advise
From India, Delhi

It is evident that your managment would be looking at you to be blamed in case of some accidents.
It is best advised to keep the maximum possible documentation.
This may inlcude
a) Many written warnings to contractor on safety violations.
b) mails to senior members at your organization on any finidings from your side about the unsafe practices.
c) Mails to senior members also on the warnings issued to the contractors despite which there is inaction.
This would help to some extent in avoiding trciky situation s for you incase of an eventuality.
kind regards

From Singapore, Singapore
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