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Want Fomat For Increasing The Probation Period - DOC Download - CiteHR

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yogita panjwani

Dear All,
Geneally in our company we write in our offer letter that the probabtion period would be 6 months. Now after 6 month i again need to give written confirmation to the candiate that his/her probation peroid has increased by still 6 month.
so would request if anyone is having the format of the same please give it to me so that i can prepare and give the same to them whenever require.
Awaiting for the early reply,
Thanks & Regards,

From India, Mumbai

Dear Yogita,

Hope the following format is of help to you;


Dear Sir/ Madam

Sub: Extension of probation

You may be aware that your tenure of probation starting from …………. for a period of 6(six) months has come to an end as on …………………..

In this regard, with reference to your appointment letter clause No.……………., dated…………… we do hereby inform you that your performance during such period has not been satisfactory and thereby the company has decided to extend your probation for a further period of 6(six) months.

You will be entitled to similar terms and conditions as enjoyed by the employees of your category for the said extended period.

You are requested to contact Mr. ………………………………….. (designation) in case of any further clarification.

Wishing you the best for your future endeavours .

Thanking you

Yours faithfully
For ………………………………………….

(Authorized Signatory)

Copies to:
HR/Personnel, Accounts, Departmental Heads, Taxation, PF, Personal file

Hope this serves your purpose


From India, New Delhi

Hi Yogitha,

the format provided by our friend Mr. Awvik is good and can be issued but prior to that as a HR person you need to comply with lot of process.

For any probationer have you obtained the performance feed back from their concerned HOD, if the feed back on monthly or by monthly is not up to the mark then have you in coordination with the HOD made any efforts to communicate and improve his / her performance, for all your actions what is the response from the individual, after imparting the training / performance improvement plan what is the performance rate.

If you have done all these things and communicated in frequent intervals you can issue the letter, some times our HR facs will take the feed back of the superior and even after completion of 6 months issue letters this is totally against the process and injustice to our role and employee.

The extension should reach the employee atleast one week in advance along with all the 6 months evaluation process duly signed by the individual / HOD & HR. Not only extension even your confirmation, probation for trainees need to reach the concerned employee one week before completion of their training / probation period. If the employees won't experience the transperancy / systems then they feel victimization and then the attrition rates goes high, the image will goes off.

With best regards - kameswarao

From India, Hyderabad
yogita panjwani

Dear All,
Thanks a lot for your quick response. I do understand all this formalities. But i need format where as i can mention that your probabtion period has been over and now onwards you will be working as a permamnat employess of the company. so would again request if you can help me in the same format.
Awaiting for your early reply,
Thanks & Regards,

From India, Mumbai

Dear Yogita,

Hope this helps.........


Dear Sir/ Madam

Sub: Confirmation of service

You may be aware that your tenure of probation starting from …………. for a period of 6(six) months has come to an end as on …………………..

In this regard, with reference to your appointment letter clause No.……………., dated…………… we are pleased to inform you that your performance during such period has been satisfactory and thereby the company has decided to confirm your services henceforth.

You will be entitled to terms and conditions as enjoyed by the confirmed employees of your category of employees with effect from your date of confirmation.

You are requested to contact Mr. ………………………………….. (designation) in case of any further clarification.

We wish you a happy and rewarding career with us.

Thanking you

Yours faithfully
For ………………………………………….

(Authorized Signatory)

Copies to:
HR/Personnel, Accounts, Departmental Heads, Taxation, PF, Personal file


From India, New Delhi

pl find attached a probatiton format which we use in our company. Pranjali
From India, Bangalore
Attached Files (Download Requires Membership)
File Type: doc Extension template.doc (30.0 KB, 1187 views)

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