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Thank you so much....
I think i have to make SOP for that..pls any one guide me how do i make a SOP for purchase/QC/Production department...if any one having any format of SOP for their company pls send me.....

From India, Mumbai
There is something that you need to develop beyond improving process capabilities is your Personal Relationship with other departments to obtain cooperation in tough times. Obviously its a long term solution but mandate to run all departments in harmony.
In SOP's, dont forget to include the control document, document retention period and Turn around time for dispatch, approval, or placed. get a sign off from HOD's post approval to end the blame game.
start sending documented reminders keeping photocopies of signed reminders and copy HOD's on the same. Let them not have surprises and have files to refer than playing blame games.
wish you al the best. and this is a common situation for all industries where there is no process laid for departmental tasks and responsibilities.. so, i am sure everything will be fine..
Prince Grover
Sr. Manager- Corporate Quality and Training

From India, New Delhi
Dear Vandana,
It would be simple to say but to very critical to implement. First of all you have to have a clearly defined escalation mechanism . Secondly an agreed SLA from all the stake holders. These two parameters should form the core part of the structure. Then comes the defaulter management, you have to clearly define how you will identify defaulters who dont comply with the process and in what ways you will discipline them. Disclipine can be done in various ways, for example have a salary component which would be based on company's profitability , this should vary from department to department based on their individual performance or it could escalating the person's name who is defaulting and finally sack the person who repeated does the mistake of non compliance. Fear of losing job will put people in perspective, so go ahead, be creative and be a true HR . Let me know if you need any more insights , you can reach me at 9003042155.

From India, Madras
Bharat R Adhia

Please write SOP with timeline adherence and role – responsibility. Get it approved by final authority. Standardised format in accordance with SOP and circulate, with key notes. Link failures to KRA / Annual Review. Get system under audit, raise NCR and ask clarifications. Unsatisfactory replies can be brought to final authority at regular interval.

I think you would be able to resolve blame game by implementing above.


Dear Vandana
I agree with the suggestion given by Prabhakaran. Without proper SOP's and systems you would not be able to achieve the objective. Therefore, you are being suggested to conduct the meeting with all the concerned HOD's and line managers and understand the root cause, at the same time you should also, prepare the SOP with the suggestions of these managers .

From India, Delhi
Dear Vandana Suggest you also implement TQM in your company. It will help you a lot to find out root cause of the problem and getting a time tested solution. Regards
From India, Mumbai

I agree with u all guys..i will prepare SOP but if we have to meet any urgency( some of our client give us order on phone due to their relation..and later send PO.) In that case what you suuggest we have to do their any other method or process to meet the urgency..
From India, Mumbai
Dear Madam!!!

1) Try to understand the steps involved in manufacturing co.

2) When PO comes, it is the role of secretary or may be appointed person to prepare the work order.

Word Order:- means where u write the details of product, Amt., specific manufacturing time in days, delivery date, allotting time to the customer/ last day. And it is given to the design dept. to process. Design dept. attached the designs/ diagram to the WO (which they have quoted/ placed during the Quotation).

3) This Work Order is then given to the Directors or the Head concern person to sign, to acknowledge- further the copies of WO along with the purchase order, diagrams/designs if any is given in other dept. like Production, Quality, Manufacturing, Design and Accounts. (Pls see whether all those who are involved in Production get these copies).

Also, a secretary needs to keep the track of delivery dates and according inform the Directors and Production Eng.

Hope this will help to solve the problem.


Amita Ninave

From India, Mumbai
Dear all,
I am new to HR Dept.Now i am working in Microsoft HRMS and payroll Platform from last 2 months.Some of them are saying oracle Hrms (people soft) is best..Which one is best for my career.
Which module shall i concentrate.

From India, Bangalore
Hii i have a problem to maintain the details of dispatch materials as well as purchase materiel in one sheet..! plz solve the prob.!
From India, Delhi
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