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Dear members,
Hope this mail reaches you all in the pink of health.In chennai, if not the heat everything is fine.
I am currently handelling a very sensitive issue in my concern which is Overstaffing.Overstaffing on its own is not an issue.the actions leading to overstaffing like termination. I have given a task to find out the work flow and learn each positions contributions and submit a report on which position is doing a more secreterial jobw which can actually be done by others.
Hows manpower plannin done.Who decides whether we need to increase manpower or not.The technical leaders or HR.
As of now the Technical leaders informs the HR that they need manpower and we meet the requirement.
If we bring up a new system how will we convince them.
What can be a better system in an IT concers. How does the whole process function.

From India, Madras

Dear Asha:

Who better to know their needs than the 1st line supervisors, who are ultimately responsible for production and efficiency in both a manufacturing segment (TATA Motors), or in a technical environment (Microsoft).

They know the numbers and types of employees required when business is expanding, as well as the employees who are redundant in a contracting economy.

The usual procedure has the supervisor going to his/her immediate superior and requesting additional headcount (with supporting evidence, of course). The superior reviews the request in the light of production demands and customer needs and, if convinced, forwards the request up the chain of command where it is ultimately reviewed for approval/disapproval by the Responsible Authority (President, Comptroller, and VP Operations).

In a slowing economy, where the need for a reduction in force (RIF) is necessary, the Responsible Authority issues a directive to the lower levels to reduce the workforce (by a percentage or a specific number). Again it is the front line supervisor and his/her immediate superior who will undertake the task of deciding the employees to be released. UNLESS there are barriers to such unilateral determination - Union contract, past practice, or statutory requirements that must be complied with - then HR becomes involved for guidance and counsel.

My suggestion - leave the current system alone unless there are major problems in increasing or reducing the workforce. Don’t change merely for the sake of change. You don’t need the aggravation.


From United States,
Bharti Singh
Hi Friends,
If a requirement comes from any department , how does HR Verifies that the department really need the more manpower.I mean can HR completely rely on the Line Managers. Can there be other methods to verify the requirement requisition coming from Line Managers.
Is there any such system or procedure available for that. Please suggest me .

sai prasad.r

Dear Friends, It is the HR Who have to decide the Manpower is HR who should manage the inflow and outflow of the manpower. i can clarify you regarding this. Regards, Sai Prasad
From India, Hyderabad
Bharti Singh
Dear Sai Prasad,
I know its HR who decide about the manpower requirement. But I have a confusion or you can say that I am facing the same kind of problem.
In my organization normally the depot head gives the manpower requition. Now management wants me to develop a system which will help to verify weather the given requirement is really existing or not.
If the lead submit the requisition for manpower , when the existing team is sitting Idle then how will we verify this.
Is there any such system or method which can help in that context .

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