Hi Revathi,
Myself Zeeshan Shekhani. Sending u the questionaires parameter wise related to Employee Engagement. I hope it will be useful for u. Comment on it...
Organization Culture
35. In the work=place my co-workers give due respect to my thoughts and feelings
36. At my work-place an environment of trust is fostered within my group.
37. In my company my co-workers demonstrate a positive attitude.
53. Employee opinions and suggestions are given due consideration by Senior Management.
71. I believe my company acts on the feedback given by employees.
72. I’m proud of the fact that my company has on the community/society.
Team Work / Team Spirit
39. While working on the assigned tasks, I see effective teamwork among:
o Co-workers within my group
o Various groups
41. When it comes to performance my Manager holds the concerned team-members appropriately accountable for performance
My department encourages teamwork
Employee Engagement
5. When working, my company inspires and motivates me to perform to the best of my abilities – every day.
10. I’m constantly inspired with my company’s vision/mission/goals that always help me to be on my toes.
12. The work processes adopted by my company allows me to be productive to the hilt.
15. I always keep all the information handy that is required to do my job well.
62. Within my company the people have a good time while working
104. I keep a good sense of my company’s business goals and objectives.
105. I understand company’s mission/vision.
115. I have a clear idea of the role of my present job in my company.
118. I feel the way my company treats the existing employees and the new joiners is quite fair.
Organizational Change
57. Senior Management responds effectively to the changes in the business environment.
84. When it comes to the policy changes, my company communicates appropriately and in a timely manner.
110. We are very confident of bringing in the desired change in the organization for good.
111. We are excited about the future of this organization as we see a lot of potential for growth here.
112. My organization consistently takes positive steps to create a successful organization
Work Environment
14. To perform to the optimum I’m provided with adequate resources like computer, phone, work station, stationary etc.
16. When it comes to the execution of my tasks, I’m appropriately provided people resources and that too - on a timely basis
78. At my work-place the physical work environment is appropriate for the type of work I do.
Systems, Policies & Procedures
18. The process and procedures adopted by my company to evaluate and promote the employees is fair.
64. At my work-place the work gets done by following the processes, without having to do any personal intervention/influence.
65. Most of the decisions in my organization are made at the appropriate levels.
79. My company’s policies and procedures create an effective work environment
80. I understand the policies laid down my company well.
81. I find my company’s policies are flexible and employee friendly.
82. In my company the policies are implemented in word and spirit.
83. I feel the policies laid down by my company are standardized across similar functions and workgroups
54. The Senior Management level in my company is open, honest and transparent in communication.
58. Within my company the important decisions are regularly communicated to the employees.
109. Within my organization there is adequate communication about various changes taking place.
40. In the work-place, I get all the support I need to succeed from my manager.
42. My manager demonstrates a personal commitment to my continuous learning and development.
43. I have confidence in the decisions made by my manager.
44. My manager is adept at developing a positive team atmosphere at the workplace.
45. My manager provides timely feedback that allows me to improve on my performance.
46. My manager is always available to answer my questions/queries or concerns.
47. My manager respects my thoughts and feelings
48. The people practices of the company are successfully implemented by the Managers’ to good effect.
49. My manager takes the initiative to drive things forward.
50. My manager provides me with sufficient and timely information on the company’s business direction and growth plans.
55. Within my company the Senior Management is accessible and approachable as and when required.
Work Relationship
6. When it comes to the company’s success, I walk that extra mile and exceed the expectations of my employers.
8. To help my company achieve its goals and fulfill its objectives, I believe that I make my contribution
9. I keep myself involved in the process, when it comes to the area that has a direct effect on my work.
38. When it comes to the distribution of work within my workgroup, it is fairly distributed and assigned.
Work Life Balance
60. The Senior Management makes sure that they balance employees’ interests with that of the organization.
73. I am able to maintain an appropriate and healthy balance between my work and my personal commitments.
76. My work-related stress is manageable.
77. The pace of my workday is reasonable.
Job Satisfaction
1. Yes! I share my great experiences of working in the office with others.
2. When needed, I would definitely recommend my company to a friend, associate or acquaintance seeking employment.
3. It rarely crosses my mind to leave my company to work in some other place.
4. If I have to leave the company it would take a lot from my end to quit.
7. Working at my company gives me a feeling of achievement ….of job-satisfaction
66. My company actively looks after the well-being of all its employees.
101. I would rate my present company relative to other companies for which I might work:
102. In the near future, I expect to continue working at my present company
103. Personally for me, my present company is a great place to work in
106. I seldom worry about losing my job
107. I find that my values and that of my organizations’ values are very similar.
Training, Learning & Development
19. The company helps me build up by skill-sets by providing me with adequate training that is valuable to me.
20. The company has in-place a process that helps me identify my development needs.
21. The company provides me with good opportunities to develop my skills that empowers’ me to carry-out multi-tasking.
22. In the work-place, I get enough time on hand to focus on professional development
23. In the work-place, I feel that there are sufficient opportunities for me to improve my skills to excel.
63. I’m encouraged to learn from my mistakes.
Compensation, Reward & Benefits
27. The compensation is proportional to the contributions that I make.
28. The salary package pays and perks of my company are on par with the best in the industry.
29. When it comes to compensation, my performance is a major yardstick.
30. When it comes to effecting the changes in the compensation structure, I understand how they are determined.
31. In my company, I’m satisfied with the administration of compensation, benefits and reimbursement programs.
32. I think within my company the process of making the compensation decisions are highly effective.
33. In my company the overall benefit plan fulfills all mine and my family’s needs
34. As compared to other places the benefits that I get here are competitive enough.
Career Opportunities / Growth Opportunities
17. I have sufficient opportunities for personal and professional growth.
114. I’m aware of the career opportunities that are available to me at my company.
116. I feel people who perform better, grow faster in my company
119. In my organization the employees are encouraged to move in between the functions/projects to broaden their experience and make better advancement in their career.
26. Today, in my company the recognition programs instituted are more effective than earlier.
61. The Senior Management level in my company displays resolve when it comes to keeping the commitment
11. While working my job allows me to make full use of my knowledge, skills and abilities.
13. When it comes to executing my job I’m entrusted with the authority to make necessary decisions
67. Within my company, as a professional, I feel that I can question a policy or practice in any forum, without fear of being penalized.
68. Within my organization the employees are empowered to act in the organization’s best interest.
69. My organization is always open to new ideas and initiatives.
75. My company provides sufficient avenues for employees to mix on an informal basis
HR Practices
74. My company has instituted practices and programs that help me address my personal responsibilities.
88. Our company’s HR department does an excellent job of addressing employee issues.
89. In my company, managers and supervisors effectively support in the implementation of the HR programs.
90. I feel our HR department is highly approachable and aware of the employee issues
91. The HR programs of my company provide me with appropriate flexibility to meet and fulfill our business needs.
51. On the senior management level, I see strong evidence of effective leadership from my company’s management
52. My Company’s Senior Management level is visionary and inspirational.
56. The Senior Management level of my company provides clear direction and guidelines for the future.
59. The Senior Management level of my company takes necessary actions to position our organization for long-term success
100. In my company, the quality of the products/services is not compromised / sacrificed to meet deadlines.
115. My company invests in continuous improvement of what we offer to our customers
117. In my company, I feel that job openings are filled by the most of the qualified candidates.
93. My company consistently demonstrates that delivering customer value is its highest priority.
94. I feel our company can succeed only if its customers succeed
95. My manager ensures that delivering customer value consistently is made of high priority.
96. At our company, we understand our customer’s needs better.
97. My company’s customers’ trust and treat me with due respect.
98. I always enjoy working with/for our customers.
99. We are flexible about maintaining company standards in order to meet our customer requirements.
From India, Mumbai
Myself Zeeshan Shekhani. Sending u the questionaires parameter wise related to Employee Engagement. I hope it will be useful for u. Comment on it...
Organization Culture
35. In the work=place my co-workers give due respect to my thoughts and feelings
36. At my work-place an environment of trust is fostered within my group.
37. In my company my co-workers demonstrate a positive attitude.
53. Employee opinions and suggestions are given due consideration by Senior Management.
71. I believe my company acts on the feedback given by employees.
72. I’m proud of the fact that my company has on the community/society.
Team Work / Team Spirit
39. While working on the assigned tasks, I see effective teamwork among:
o Co-workers within my group
o Various groups
41. When it comes to performance my Manager holds the concerned team-members appropriately accountable for performance
My department encourages teamwork
Employee Engagement
5. When working, my company inspires and motivates me to perform to the best of my abilities – every day.
10. I’m constantly inspired with my company’s vision/mission/goals that always help me to be on my toes.
12. The work processes adopted by my company allows me to be productive to the hilt.
15. I always keep all the information handy that is required to do my job well.
62. Within my company the people have a good time while working
104. I keep a good sense of my company’s business goals and objectives.
105. I understand company’s mission/vision.
115. I have a clear idea of the role of my present job in my company.
118. I feel the way my company treats the existing employees and the new joiners is quite fair.
Organizational Change
57. Senior Management responds effectively to the changes in the business environment.
84. When it comes to the policy changes, my company communicates appropriately and in a timely manner.
110. We are very confident of bringing in the desired change in the organization for good.
111. We are excited about the future of this organization as we see a lot of potential for growth here.
112. My organization consistently takes positive steps to create a successful organization
Work Environment
14. To perform to the optimum I’m provided with adequate resources like computer, phone, work station, stationary etc.
16. When it comes to the execution of my tasks, I’m appropriately provided people resources and that too - on a timely basis
78. At my work-place the physical work environment is appropriate for the type of work I do.
Systems, Policies & Procedures
18. The process and procedures adopted by my company to evaluate and promote the employees is fair.
64. At my work-place the work gets done by following the processes, without having to do any personal intervention/influence.
65. Most of the decisions in my organization are made at the appropriate levels.
79. My company’s policies and procedures create an effective work environment
80. I understand the policies laid down my company well.
81. I find my company’s policies are flexible and employee friendly.
82. In my company the policies are implemented in word and spirit.
83. I feel the policies laid down by my company are standardized across similar functions and workgroups
54. The Senior Management level in my company is open, honest and transparent in communication.
58. Within my company the important decisions are regularly communicated to the employees.
109. Within my organization there is adequate communication about various changes taking place.
40. In the work-place, I get all the support I need to succeed from my manager.
42. My manager demonstrates a personal commitment to my continuous learning and development.
43. I have confidence in the decisions made by my manager.
44. My manager is adept at developing a positive team atmosphere at the workplace.
45. My manager provides timely feedback that allows me to improve on my performance.
46. My manager is always available to answer my questions/queries or concerns.
47. My manager respects my thoughts and feelings
48. The people practices of the company are successfully implemented by the Managers’ to good effect.
49. My manager takes the initiative to drive things forward.
50. My manager provides me with sufficient and timely information on the company’s business direction and growth plans.
55. Within my company the Senior Management is accessible and approachable as and when required.
Work Relationship
6. When it comes to the company’s success, I walk that extra mile and exceed the expectations of my employers.
8. To help my company achieve its goals and fulfill its objectives, I believe that I make my contribution
9. I keep myself involved in the process, when it comes to the area that has a direct effect on my work.
38. When it comes to the distribution of work within my workgroup, it is fairly distributed and assigned.
Work Life Balance
60. The Senior Management makes sure that they balance employees’ interests with that of the organization.
73. I am able to maintain an appropriate and healthy balance between my work and my personal commitments.
76. My work-related stress is manageable.
77. The pace of my workday is reasonable.
Job Satisfaction
1. Yes! I share my great experiences of working in the office with others.
2. When needed, I would definitely recommend my company to a friend, associate or acquaintance seeking employment.
3. It rarely crosses my mind to leave my company to work in some other place.
4. If I have to leave the company it would take a lot from my end to quit.
7. Working at my company gives me a feeling of achievement ….of job-satisfaction
66. My company actively looks after the well-being of all its employees.
101. I would rate my present company relative to other companies for which I might work:
102. In the near future, I expect to continue working at my present company
103. Personally for me, my present company is a great place to work in
106. I seldom worry about losing my job
107. I find that my values and that of my organizations’ values are very similar.
Training, Learning & Development
19. The company helps me build up by skill-sets by providing me with adequate training that is valuable to me.
20. The company has in-place a process that helps me identify my development needs.
21. The company provides me with good opportunities to develop my skills that empowers’ me to carry-out multi-tasking.
22. In the work-place, I get enough time on hand to focus on professional development
23. In the work-place, I feel that there are sufficient opportunities for me to improve my skills to excel.
63. I’m encouraged to learn from my mistakes.
Compensation, Reward & Benefits
27. The compensation is proportional to the contributions that I make.
28. The salary package pays and perks of my company are on par with the best in the industry.
29. When it comes to compensation, my performance is a major yardstick.
30. When it comes to effecting the changes in the compensation structure, I understand how they are determined.
31. In my company, I’m satisfied with the administration of compensation, benefits and reimbursement programs.
32. I think within my company the process of making the compensation decisions are highly effective.
33. In my company the overall benefit plan fulfills all mine and my family’s needs
34. As compared to other places the benefits that I get here are competitive enough.
Career Opportunities / Growth Opportunities
17. I have sufficient opportunities for personal and professional growth.
114. I’m aware of the career opportunities that are available to me at my company.
116. I feel people who perform better, grow faster in my company
119. In my organization the employees are encouraged to move in between the functions/projects to broaden their experience and make better advancement in their career.
26. Today, in my company the recognition programs instituted are more effective than earlier.
61. The Senior Management level in my company displays resolve when it comes to keeping the commitment
11. While working my job allows me to make full use of my knowledge, skills and abilities.
13. When it comes to executing my job I’m entrusted with the authority to make necessary decisions
67. Within my company, as a professional, I feel that I can question a policy or practice in any forum, without fear of being penalized.
68. Within my organization the employees are empowered to act in the organization’s best interest.
69. My organization is always open to new ideas and initiatives.
75. My company provides sufficient avenues for employees to mix on an informal basis
HR Practices
74. My company has instituted practices and programs that help me address my personal responsibilities.
88. Our company’s HR department does an excellent job of addressing employee issues.
89. In my company, managers and supervisors effectively support in the implementation of the HR programs.
90. I feel our HR department is highly approachable and aware of the employee issues
91. The HR programs of my company provide me with appropriate flexibility to meet and fulfill our business needs.
51. On the senior management level, I see strong evidence of effective leadership from my company’s management
52. My Company’s Senior Management level is visionary and inspirational.
56. The Senior Management level of my company provides clear direction and guidelines for the future.
59. The Senior Management level of my company takes necessary actions to position our organization for long-term success
100. In my company, the quality of the products/services is not compromised / sacrificed to meet deadlines.
115. My company invests in continuous improvement of what we offer to our customers
117. In my company, I feel that job openings are filled by the most of the qualified candidates.
93. My company consistently demonstrates that delivering customer value is its highest priority.
94. I feel our company can succeed only if its customers succeed
95. My manager ensures that delivering customer value consistently is made of high priority.
96. At our company, we understand our customer’s needs better.
97. My company’s customers’ trust and treat me with due respect.
98. I always enjoy working with/for our customers.
99. We are flexible about maintaining company standards in order to meet our customer requirements.
From India, Mumbai
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