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I have been asked this question several times by participants of my
individuality development programme : What special quality do successful people have in them??? What makes them successful??
One important quality, out of many other qualities that all successful people have in common is the qualit of being perpetually MOTIVATED.

Infact many of us eagerly wait for a moment to arrive in our lives, when
someone praises us or motivates us. Be that any external agency, our parents, our teachers, our boss or even a motivational speaker. We wait for the motivation to come to us, but that’s where we usually miss the bus.

The most important lesson each one of us should learn here is, to motivate OURSELF.

The very need of an external source to motivate us can be fatal. The person who praises us today, who motivates us today, might not be available tomorrow, or perhaps they might turn the table and might start demotvating us from now on.

Infact they would have also motivated us for their selfish motives and once their motive is complete, they might no more continue doing that, they might not be available.

That is why, I say that SELF MOTIVATION is most essential to achieve excellence in life.

You must learn the art of keeping your spirits high, no matter how discouraging a situation is.
You empower yourself with an extraordinary charge within yourself to overcome anyadversities of life. A self motivated individual will overlook at the roadblocks, would accept adversities as simple unavoidable events and focus on his ultimate goal.

The question now is, how do we motivate ourself??
How did the worlds greatest leaders, the worlds most successful people motivate themselves.
Here are few very important lessons though not exhaustive :

1 - Believe in yourself
The very belief that you are capable of achieving something big is needed.
The story of David and Goliath is apt here. This 17 year old boy courageously
believed in himself when he confronted the giant with a simple sling as his
weapon. He was aware of the power of a sling and he was also aware of his self
developed capability to swing the sling to hit the bulls eye each time he swung
the sling. His belief in himself was commendable.
That exactly is what is needed in our life. The confidence that "I Can Do it".

2 - Visualize Positivity
As a child, the very basic lessons of life are learnt by visualizing. Tell a child "Dont Drop that Pen" and the child will drop it. The child visualizes the action of dropping. Instead say - Hold that Pen Tight, the child will visualize your command and action accordingly. Experience the same in your life.
Visualize your goals positively. If you start a business, instead of saying that you will ensure that this business wouldn’t end up in loss for sure, say I see a business with huge revenues in the coming year. Instead of saying that you want to lose fat, say I wish to look more fit and flexible.
The power of visualizing positively is tremendous.

3 - Work for a passionate Cause
I can’t think of a more powerful source of motivation than a cause you
passionately care about. Such a cause can inspire you to give your best even in
the face of utmost difficulties. It can make you do the seemingly impossible
things.While other causes could inspire you temporarily, a cause that matters to you
are passionate about can inspire you indefinitely. It’s a spring of motivation
that will never dry. The very feeling, that you have run out of motivation,
you can always come to your cause to get a fresh dose of motivation.

4 - Win against yourself
Never compare yourself with others. Comparison drains energy.
Comparing yourself with others has proven to be the most demotivating factor in our quest to succeed.
Even if you start with enthusiasm, you will soon lose your energy when you compare yourself with others.
Run your own race and win each time you race. Comparing yourself with another being itself is so illogical.
You are unique; no second person can be like you. So there is no point in comparing an athlete with a swimmer. That wouldn’t help, that’s illogical.

For more articles on self improvement, follow me at and Mentora India
Submitted by : Mathew Thomas ( Mentora Champion) is a passionate Trainer, Motivational Speaker and Educational Coach who has worked with a wide range of clients including multinational organisations, education bodies, professional training providers and individuals.

From India, Mumbai
K C S Kutty

Very interesting article. If possible share your own experience of self motivation. Your achievements through self motivation. It would be a real inspiration to the readers. Regards, KCS Kutty
From India, Madras

Very apt and informative post. Intrinsic motivation holds the key to achievement and success.
I am taking the liberty of quoting an example for Mr.K.C.S Kutty to reinforce the reality that it is intrinsic motivation that works. I have been writing a blog since 1st Jan 2010 and have managed to post one article a day since then. It is my belief that my articles make a big positive difference to people who read it that is my real motivation.
No doubt the numerous comments from readers and the growing list of followers are additional motivators.
Do check out my Motivational and Inspirational Blogs listed below - Daily Blog - Weekly Blog

From India, Mumbai
K C S Kutty

Thank you. Our own experience would be highly inspiring rather than the experience quoted several by others. Once again thanks for sharing. KCS Kutty
From India, Madras
K C S Kutty

Thank you for the comments. I would prefer to quote our experiences. Need not be our own. That would be more inspiring and touching.
I had gone through the blogs. It is really inspiring and motivating.

From India, Madras

Hi Sumaira Khan

I appreciate your disagreement Sumaira. But I wish to help you understand that, comparison is one of the greatest calamities that has fallen on humanity. Comparing ourself with anyone else is the worst sin we can do to ourself. You are unique, your uniqueness cannot be compared. Why I said comparison is the greatest calamity is because, comparison comes from EGO and to be an egoist is to be very disrespectful towards yourself.

If you stop comparing then you are here - tremendously beautiful and unique.

To be in a state of extreme happiness, self charged, self motivated - you have to drop comparison. Observe nature, the small tree looks as happy as a big tree. They sway to the shining sun, the whistling wind without any comparison. The whole existence is rejoicing, is happy except humans, coz in existence, there is no comparison.

Let me take some time and write more elaborately on this topic.

Watch out for a quick article on Comparison - A deadly sin on my blog in the next few days.

Transforming Lives – Unlimited | Just another site

Hope this helps

From India, Mumbai
very Nice article, looks very natural. your idea of comparing is very convincing. checked your link, there is no article on comparing. awaiting to read the complete article good day
From India, Mumbai
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