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What is the difference between turnover rate and attrition rate? - CiteHR

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1. What is the difference between turnover rate and attrition rate 2. What is the Formula of turnover rate and attrition rate
From Bangladesh, Dhaka
gopinath varahamurthi

Dear Friend,
Turnover of employee : there are two types 1) voluntary 2) Involuntary
1) voluntary -- resignation of employee (the interest of individual employee)
2) Involuntary - due to poor performance, other reasons organisation terminate employee for reasons
Attrition : Gradual reduction of employee strength or role of the employee other than terminating/firing etc.,
Difference : In turnover the vacancy of employee occur is being replaced by recruitment or available means, In attrition no replacement or recruitment of the vacancy, the position occur slowly reduced and no fill up of the position to the place. They eliminate the role of employee.
Ratio : In turnover the organisation would like to fill the vacancy position in accordance to the merit and necessity. All organisation would have the minimum of turnover 5% (they keep only 5% of total strength as vacant, hardly touch 10%) this 5% vacancy looked into by some one who can handle the situation)
In attrition : no filling up of the post, gradual reduction of strength and role of the employee.
The 5% is the equation with turnover and attrition..

From India, Arcot
Nagarkar Vinayak L

Dear colleague,
The employee turnover and attrition is one and same thing. It means number of employees leaving organisation due to resignation during given period say month or quarter. The rate is computed as % of no. of employees left to no. of employees on roll on the day of reference.
Vinayak Nagarkar

From India, Mumbai
Bharat Gera

Dear Friend,
Employee turn over and attrition are one and the same thing. The ration varies from industry to industry.
The attrition is highest in BPO, Logistics etc. Ration can not be decided as the attrition in BPO varies from 5% pm to 25% pm depending upon process/salary/manager behaviour/shifts issues/harassment/facilities/growth and location etc.
Warm Regards
Bharat Gera
HR Consultant

From India, Thane

Gopinath has clearly explained the difference between attrition and turnover of employees. I wonder how others state that they are the same!!
From United Kingdom
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