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Last week it was heavy rain due to that one of the tree near the main gate of the company from outside fell down inside the compound wall and the main door was damaged and the two wheeler parking shed too in that seven of our workers bike was caught and damaged. Luckily nothing happened to humans reg this the workers start to fight with management in order management was responsible in order to repair their bikes i need your favourable response in the hr aspects
From India, Chandigarh
I feel employees are coming to the factory to work / perform their duties as per the schedules. It is the responsibility of the Management to provide better aminities like canteen,parking,creches,reading or games and rest rooms.
In your case, you guide those employees to reimburse as said by Mr.Ravi. If you simply passing the massage like It is not our responsibility suffers will react nagitively.
Deel with them smoothly.

From United States, Mesa

mr ravi has rightly is not responsible for the same everyone knows it but it is an IR issue.
you first talk to them ,try to settle it because our main motive is to
run the factory things are totally different and most of the IR issue highlighted for illegal things ,you judge their bargaining power,
how strong they are.
js malik

From India, Delhi

Whoever having vehicle the security (in charge) in the gate can insist for xerox copy of Proper RTO Papers, Driving licence, Insurance, PUC Check up details by which any natural calamity, fire, theft etc. they can claim for any repair / loss from the insurance. Only we can help in this matter is that we can interact with insurance company (if it is a private co) on mercy basis and we are not at all responsible for the loss. We have given only as a welfare activity by providing vehicle shed and it is not mandatory to provide and the company will not insist for bringing the vehicle to company. Hence the company has no connection with the loss caused by natural calamity
With regards
S. Bhaskar

From India, Kumbakonam
Dear all,
Being an IR issue, things to be handled very carefully, small issues had created major impacts in many company, all we know that any natural disasters are eligible for insurance claim and hence as a first step we should make the employee to understand this and in order to support the employees, (IR manager responsbilities) even management can arrange all the formalities with insurance company, (in claiming) as the incident happened inside the factory premises, this way may motivate our workers
pl try & confirm me

deepika bhatia
as there is no fault of the it should be cleared to the employees through counselling and some part of the damage should be paid by the company in order to leave a positive impact in the employees mind......
From India, Delhi
hi hr
thank u for all your post but the condition is mostly the damaged parts of the vec is plastics so it is very tough throu insurance then the workers main motive is it should be done by mgm reg we are comin here to work for the profit of the mgm as we are getting salary but the mgm getting profit so many times wen compare to us so the mgm is resp they said but as i said the mgm will help out in order to get insurance throu the way of police certificated like that n all but they argue that its not possible to get the full money wat they spending in one case they are right but as well as the mgm also not resp as u all saying atlast they saying if u not get repair the vech the production will be there but we will not allow the vech of company to go out in order for delivery the products can u suggest if u are in this position wat will be your action sorry for my late reply so tight with the issue

From India, Chandigarh
Well said by Mr.Ravi,It is not IR issue it is workers issue,management has provided shelter for veichle parking.But in the other hand we should (HR) talk to the workers undrstand the importance of insurance and make them insure their belongings.
From India, Madras
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