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Executive Hr


Ammu Shanvi

Human Resource



Senior Manager - Hr


Aizant HR

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Safety Officer


Anish Katoch

Hr Executive



Hr Recruiter


Alka Pal

Hr Executive


Management Consultant


Mohit Kumar Puri

Head Marketing



Accounts Manager

Respected Sir,
I am Vineet Agarwal purshuing MBA from Pune university. I completed my summer intership in HR. I need some guidance in recruitment and selection.
So, please send me some material on recruitment and selection and if possible then please send me project in recruitment and selection.
Thank you

From India, Pune
M.Peer Mohamed Sardhar

Dear Friend,
Kindly click on the following link, it will give you some required information,
Pls let me know was this information useful,,
If not let me try out more & give information,,,,
In CiteHR you will get A to Z information on HR…..
M. Peer Mohamed Sardhar
093831 93832

From India, Coimbatore

Hi ,

I am not been able to attach this file i.e I m pasting this for you. I hope it will give you some idea.


The company policy on recruitment provides for equal employment opportunity to all applicants, without regard to religion, caste, color, gender, and disability or veteran status. The recruitment is carried in a transparent manner, paving no room for malpractices /unprofessional conduct such as extending preferential treatment or favoring those having influence of political outfit, bureaucrats or worker representative bodies, unless the candidate is found suitable/apt for the position concerned, possessing the right required qualifications and skills and relevant experience, provided he or she passes through the company selection process - interview/test.

Kirtilals adopts an action plan composed of three strategies – Attract the best talent; develop each individual to their fullest potential and retain its employees at all levels.

Objective of the policy

 To attract and retain highly qualified, talented workforce available to us

 To disseminate information about employment opportunities with the Company through numerous channels, to ensure necessary attraction.

To ensure recognition, advancement and development of the current employees

The policy document covers the following aspects of recruitment:

 Estimating the manpower requirement

 Decision authority vested in various levels of management

 Preconditions for recruitment

 Roles of various players in recruitment

 Recruitment Sources

 Recruitment and Selection Methods

 Stages of recruitment and guidelines for every stage

 Detailed guidelines for conducting Interviews

 Post-recruitment guidelines and procedures

I. Estimating the number and class of manpower required for present and immediate future needs.

The requirements are carefully estimated because any negligence would result in either overstaffing or understaffing.

The estimation of the number of employees required for each category/cadre or work level depends on the following factors

 New show rooms /Installed machinery

 Employee turnover in a particular section/department

 Superannuation

 Promotion

 Transfers

 Degree of automation

 Introduction of new processes

 Increased additional responsibilities

 Expansion plans

2. Authority for Various Decisions on Recruitment

Recruitment related decisions vary in scope and impact. Annexure I give a detailed list of various issues involved and the decision-making authority for every one of those issues.

In summary,

 New positions are sanctioned by the MD;

 Filling up of sanctioned positions is at the discretion of the Business/ Functional Head in consultation with HRD;

 Regulation of recruitment matters in line with the policy and HR principles is handled by HRD;

 Administrative, procedural and liaison matters are taken care of by HRD

 Senior level recruitment directly involves MD in all matters

3. Preconditions for Recruitment

Any position would be filled up only if there is a vacancy arising out of the separation of an employee or there is a newly created position on explicit written sanction from MD. While recruitment efforts such as, calling for candidates or interviewing candidates etc may be initiated, appointment order for a person could be issued only if the position and the level are sanctioned.

Company would encourage planned manner of recruitment rather than a piecemeal (slowly) approach. In March every year, all Business and Functional Heads would present to MD a manpower plan for the year indicating requirements in terms of number, level and timing along with a detailed justification for every position. After necessary discussions MD would sanction the additional manpower wherever required. This would be a basic source for recruitment planning and budgeting.

Before external recruitment is sought for HRD and the Functional Head concerned would do an internal search for a possible candidate within a company.

4. Roles of various players in recruitment.

Recruitment involves a combined effort of various people within the organization. Their responsibilities and contributions are being listed out below.

1. CEO

 Approve Manpower Requirements.

 Approve changes in to recruitment policy.

 Approve budgets for recruitment.

 Decide on thrust areas in HR management and recruitment at a corporate level.

 Interview candidates for selection for Managers and above level positions.

 Approve exceptional cases of compensation.

 Encourage policies that help restrict recruitment to entry level or specialized positions.

2. HR Head

 Coordinate preparation of annual manpower by various functions and consolidate for discussion and approval from MD.

 Prepare and present recruitment related trends, projections and issues - requirements, turnover, company ageing, efficiency of recruitment methods etc

 Prepare annual budgets for recruitment and get them approved.

 Maintain up-to-date manpower status showing sanctions, vacancies by function, level etc.

 Suggest changes to recruitment policies, programs in the light of feedback and problems.

 Highlight HR implications of various business decisions and plans and suggest courses of action.

 Highlight gaps and anomalies in job specs across levels and functions

 Monitor and assess continuously the recruitment pull of the company and suggest courses of action.

 Interview candidates for selection.

 Monitor costs of recruitment and keep them within budgets.

 Push gradually for a decentralized approach to recruitment while keeping basic controls.

 Negotiate compensation with the selected candidates.

 Present the company positively by briefing all interview candidates about the company, its culture and its plans.

 Ensure that candidate is clear about job terms and company offerings and is not given any untenable promises.

 Maintain up-to-date directory of external agencies - consultants, ad agencies, printers, media agents etc.

 Ensure a reliable system to communicate with candidates on the status of their candidature.

 Monitor recruitment expenditure under heads such as media, agencies, and travel, stay etc.

 Maintain up-to-date and flexible database of industry norms on salary, benefits, job specifications etc.

3. Business Heads / Functional Heads

 Maintain a comprehensive and flexible candidate database sorted in many ways.

 Assist HR head prepare consolidated annual manpower plan and budgets for recruitment.

 Discuss with HR issues such major people intake, abnormal turnover etc

 Discuss with HR job specifications, profile up gradations.

 Monitor performance of recent recruits.

 Monitor recruitment speed and help decrease cycle time.

 Interview candidates.

 Assess in interviews candidates functional competence and compatibility.

 Help HR in implementing policies and decisions on recruitment.

 Help HR in coordinating internal placements.

 Conduct preliminary or final salary negotiation within agreed range.

 Ensure that candidate is clear about job terms and company offerings and is not given any untenable promises.

4. HR. coordinators.

 Do first level shortlist and coordinate with functions head for a final list.

 Coordinate interview dates among candidates, panel members, place etc.

 Ensure professional conduct of interviews - accurate and clear information (to candidates, panel members, admin staff) promptness, no waiting, assessment records, follow-up communication.

 Conduct a reference check on candidates prior to employment.

 Ensure candidates have a clear understanding of offer terms.

 Have clear agreement of terms with external agencies on services.

 Release payment to external agencies as per agreed terms.

5. Recruitment Sources

The company may look at various sources of recruitment for filling in its positions. The legitimate sources of manpower would be as follows:

 Internal candidates within the functions or other functions or sister companies

 Trainees of the company eligible for confirmation

 Educational institutes offering campus placement services

 People responding to advertisements or placement consultants

 Ex-employees who left on good terms

 People referred by employees or business associates

 Visitors to the website

These potential sources are not mutually exhaustive and are not listed in any particular order. However, the company shall favour internal sources more than external ones to fill in vacancies at all levels except the entry level.

The Company shall not consider for employment candidates from the following sources:

 People employed with close business associates unless they have the clearance from their employer. Close business associates would include advertisement agencies, regular suppliers, and consultants on contract.

Only the MD shall have the authority waive these provisions and he shall do so after a close scrutiny of the merits of every individual cases.

5. Methods of Recruitment

The company shall make use of a variety of recruitment and selection methods.

Recruitment methods vary according to effectiveness, cost and target candidates. Various methods the Company shall employ would be as follows:

• Internal transfers and promotions

• Advertisements in print media

• Traditional placement consultants

• Employee referrals

• Head Hunt

Selection methods vary in terms of level, time, cost, competence required and effectiveness. Our company shall use the following methods of selection to fill in positions.

• Bio-data Scrutiny

• Technical Assessment.

• Personal Interview

• Reference Check

6. Guidelines for different stages of recruitment

Vacancy Assessment – A position is said to be vacant if it already sanctioned and is not being manned. It may have arisen because the incumbent (Current, Present) has left the company or been posted in another job. It might have been created new by due process of sanction. New positions are created to manage new and emergent jobs mentioned in the annual manpower plan and are sanctioned by the MD. At certain times when the incumbent leaves the job the position may be abolished and it would not be counted as a vacant position. Recruitment should be initiated only for a sanctioned position, which is vacant.

Initiating Recruitment – Recruitment is always initiated by Departmental Head for all positions. The initiator shall send the manpower requisition form to HRD and discuss with HR Head on possible sources. Any difference in job specifications compared to that in database would also be discussed. HRD and the Department Head would agree on methods and end dates for recruitment depending on the urgency. The department has the option of keeping a vacancy in abeyance.

Internal Search – On receiving the requirement HRD would assess availability of internal candidates either on its own or on the advice of the Department. As this would not be fresh search, this process should not take more than a day. However, if there are possibilities, which need to be discussed with other departments, it may take more time.

Database Search - HRD would also simultaneously search the candidates’ database for a possible match. If found the details may be given to the department. This should take less than a day.

External Search – within a week of initiation department and HRD may have decided on external search. HRD would discuss with the department the different options such as advertisements or consultants etc.

Ad Release – HRD shall arrange to get the advertisement designed, composed and checked for release. This should take less than a week. Keeping the department informed, HRD would release the ad for publication in journals decided upon. HRD would have on roll specialised agents for ad release in various publications to ensure getting the best rates. While releasing ads HRD may include similar positions even if vacancies do not exist but are foreseen. Advertisements for the same position would not be released within six months.

Advertisements would include items such as job specs, candidate specs, company information, contact information etc. Advertisements would be designed by a creative agency and HRD coordinate with them ensuring completeness and correctness of the ad including correct representation of corporate name, logo and symbols.

Consultants – For certain positions, consultants may be asked to furnish leads by HRD. These may be for positions that have got no response from the ads or positions that are too urgent or not urgent at all. Company would prefer dealing with consultants who take regular assignments and have been successful in the past. All the consultants are expected to have a clear contract with the company on the terms of service. Company may take in a consultant on the advice of a departmental head provided their terms are similar to the regular consultants. HRD would coordinate contracting placement consultants for assisting in employment.

Brief to the consultants would include

 The job specs such as designation, department, location; approximate salary may or may not be given

 The candidate specs such as qualifications, years of experience, industry worked, age, language etc

 The company profile, plans, department the job is placed etc

 Other items such as probable interview location, reimbursements, contact person etc

 Consultants would be asked to shortlist candidates on the basis of the specs, check with the candidates their interest, assess salary match and then forward the bio data to the company.

Short-listing the Candidates – HR officer / Coordinator would do the first stage short listing of applications. First stage short listing usually is done mechanically by matching the specifications rigidly and rejecting all candidates who do not qualify. All applications short-listed at the first stage first stage would be entered in the Candidates database maintained by HRD.

HR Head or the Functional Head would do the second stage short listing. At this stage applicants with most potential would be selected. HRD may also select some applications for consideration to other posts currently vacant or likely to arise in future.

Interview Preliminaries/ Trial test – All short listed candidates would be called for a preliminary discussion with a HRD representative. Based on the preliminary discussions if it was felt that potentiality of the candidature is in doubt the candidate may be dropped from the process and duly informed.

If the selection involves any tests or exercises this would be administered by HRD and further short listing may be done in consultation with the Functional Head concerned.

Interviews – HRD would coordinate with concerned function in setting the interview panel, dates and the location. The interview panel would typically involve managers from concerned function and HRD. It may involve MD for senior level recruitment and specialists from outside for certain positions.

Panel Composition

All positions of Manager and above in all functions; Related Functional Head, HR Head, CEO, Managing Director.

Executives and Management Trainees CEO, Related Functional Head and HR Head.

Staff & Others Concerned Departmental/ Functional head, HR Representative

Interview Call

Once the panel is setup and the dates are finalized, HRD (or Departmental Head non-HO locations) would call the candidates for interview either through a letter or a telegram or phone. Candidate would be informed of the date, place, time of the interview and the eligible reimbursements. HRD would decide on interview location in consultation with panel members and considering the cost and convenience. Candidates applying through consultants would be intimated through the concerned consultant. If many candidates are called on the same day, their timing would be staggered to minimize the waiting time.

Candidates’ eligibilities

Company would reimburse the travel expenses to the candidates coming for interview on par with what they would be eligible if selected. As special cases, senior level candidates (for the position of Manager or above) from outstation may be put in a hotel if interview extends to the next day. Candidate needs to submit a claim along with supporting for getting the expenses reimbursed. Company would insist on supporting from the candidates and exceptions would have to be authorized by HR Head.

Main Interview

The main interview would normally in two or three parts with panelists in a rough order of seniority meeting the candidates successively. Candidates would be short listed at the end of every part with only cleared candidates meeting the senior panel members. HR Head or his nominee would be present in all interviews to ensure full communication among panelists and to aid the panelists in administrative formalities such as recording interviewer’s comments and decisions. The interview record form (Exhibit) would be filled up after every interview for recording and filing purposes. Yes-No-Hold decisions should be clearly marked in the form.

While interviews need not be too structured, every interview should necessarily cover the following aspects:

 Candidate’s education and family background,

 Reason for seeking change,

 Position aspiring for and long term career goals,

 Functional competence – practical and conceptual matters relating to concerned function,

 Managerial competence in areas such as communication, decisiveness, clear thoughts,

 Intangibles such as life’s values, leadership, human orientation,

 Examples of major achievements,

 Gaps in career, if any,

 Leisure time interests,

 Computer literacy,

 Disabilities, if any,

 Reason for choosing our company,

 locational preferences,

 Salary expectations etc

Candidate should also be explained

 The nature of the job,

 Position offered,

 Background information about the company,

 Any other query the candidate may have.

Interview Etiquette

The company executives would do their best to extend the following basic courtesies to all candidates seeking employment with the company

 Clear information to candidate about date, time and place of the interview

 Reasonable time for the candidate to appear for the interview

 Agreeing to genuine requests with strong reasons for postponing interviews

 Travel directions to outstation candidates

 Starting interviews promptly minimizing the waiting time

 Instruction to people in reception about candidate’s arrival

 Information to candidates if there is any delay

 Setting a decent place for conducting the interview

 Avoiding interruptions during the interview

 Putting the candidate at ease, unless it is a consciously decided stress interview

 Introducing the panel members to the candidate

 Allowing the candidate to express self reasonably well

 Not making sarcastic comments

 Not making value judgments

 Giving a chance to the candidate to ask questions

 Letting the candidate know the next step in the process

 Explain the administrative formalities such as travel claim etc

 Feedback to candidate about yes-no-hold decisions

Interviewing Competence

The company expects every officer who sits in the panel to continuously improve their competence as interviewers. While the competence may come with experience, it often requires a conscious effort on the part of the interviewer. The following are some of the skills possessed by successful interviewers.

 Ability to put a person at ease, drawing him out to express himself; interviewer needs to make polite talk, be aware of one’s own body language and control it, if required;

 Ability to switch questioning style from closed to open and back; closed questions are effective for quick factual responses and with long-winded speakers; open questions are best for assessing thinking abilities, communication skills and opinions;

 Ability to probe the candidate to get in-depth responses and pinpoint evasive communicators

 Ability to communicate a lot by saying little; giving more airtime to candidates than oneself

 Ability to spot contradictions and read between the lines coupled with the patience not to jump to conclusions

 Ability to read non-verbal communication including, eye contact, paralanguage, posture, shift in tone or rate of speech, involuntary hand movements, facial expressions etc to understand candidate’s moods, feelings and emotions; this needs to coupled with an understanding of the limitations of non-verbal communication

 Ability to frame neutral, non-leading questions

 Ability to understand the psychological implications of the stories and statements made by the candidate, the things emphasized and the things ignored etc

 Ability to test functional knowledge by asking questions that would stretch the candidate’s thinking

 Reasonable level of self-awareness to understand own blind spots, biases and weaknesses.

 Ability to rephrase questions or statements and summaries long responses

 Apart from using these skills, an interviewer also needs to understand the styles of other fellow interviewers and act in complete tandem with them. Lot of efforts would be needed in establishing total communication with others, which alone would ensure consensus and consequently a good collective judgment.

Post Interview Formalities

Candidates selected by an interview panel may go for the next interview or may be considered for appointment. The panel of the final interview would record the comments and discuss briefly with HRD regarding appointment, designation, salary etc. All interviewers need to ensure that no promise of any kind is given to the candidate regarding appointment or salary or benefits are made to the candidate before a final decision is taken. HRD would inform the candidate accordingly and set time for salary negotiation. The reimbursement of travel expenses would also be done. For frontline or junior staff recruited in non-HO locations the Business Head would perform these functions and inform HRD in the corporate office.

Salary Negotiations

The company would initiate salary negotiations only after satisfying the suitability of the candidate. Although some information would have been collected in the earlier stages regarding salary, no promises would have been made.

HRD would negotiate salary with the individual keeping in mind, salaries of comparable existing employees, salary band for the level of the candidate, current salary of the candidate and candidate’s expectations. HRD would finalise the salary if it is acceptable to the candidate and above his current salary and it is 10% of comparable employee. Any exception would be discussed with the next appropriate level and the concerned Functional/ Business Head.

No officer of the company should make any promise to the candidate solely with the intention of increasing the attraction of the offer. Only the terms, which are agreed upon or sanctioned by the appropriate authority, should be discussed with the candidate. Any violation would be a serious lapse on the part of the employee concerned, as it damages Company’s credibility.

In discussions with the candidates, company usually quotes the gross salary, which includes all monetary elements including reimbursement limits but does not include retrial benefits like PF, gratuity etc and also indirect benefits such as insurance or cash values of job and level based perks such as car, phone, computer etc. However, during negotiation candidate shall be explained all his eligibilities, direct or indirect, monetary or otherwise. Along with the salary the date of joining would also be discussed and agreed to.

On verbal acceptance of the offer, the candidate would be given an offer letter by appropriate authority indicating the position, gross salary, place of joining and acceptable date of joining. The department concerned would also be informed. The candidate would be asked to confirm acceptance of the offer.

9. Post Selection Formalities

The candidate is given an offer of employment after selection subject to his joining by the agreed date. The company usually allows one month for positions below Managers and up to three months for others. In exceptional cases, a candidate may be allowed an extension for joining if the concerned Functional Head and HR Head agree. The offer becomes void after the specified date if the candidate does not join.

During the period after offer and before joining, HRD would coordinate with the concerned function and Administration for required arrangements. The Functional Head and the concerned HR In charge would perform these functions in non-HO locations.

10. Concluding Note

While recruitment and selection processes remain an important aspect of Human Resources Management, the overall effectiveness would depend on the other core processes of HRM such as training and development, performance management and reward and punishment. Managers need to pay constant attention to all these for making true the cliché ' people are the greatest assets of an organization.'

Annexure I


Issue Decision By Remarks

Sanctioning a new permanent position MD / CEO Business Head to propose and HR Head to advise

Filling up a position already sanctioned -

a) Executive to Manager

b) Officers & Assistants & Non Supervisory Staff

Head HR /

FH Heads

Prior information to MD /CEO

Prior information to Head HR

Filling in Temporary positions by casual employees Dept. Heads With HR Head's concurrence

Making permanent any temporary/ casual staff Head HR Dept. Head to propose through BH; HR Head to concur

Mode of recruitment HR Head BH to be informed

Contract with Recruitment consultants HR Head Within existing norms; Head HR's approval for exceptions

Selection of media vehicle HR Head With consultation of BH

Brief to consultants; ad copy and specs HR Head If within existing norms; exceptions with consultation with BH

Payment release to Consultants, Agencies HR Head If within norms; exceptions by HR Head

Short listing of candidates - First Stage

Final stage HR In charge

HR & BH As per specs given

Call Candidates for Interview

a) in HO and all positions of Executives and above

in Regions & other locations for Officers & below

HR In charge

Business Head

As per shortlist

Calling adhoc/ walk-in candidates HR Officer

HR Head to be consulted for outstation and Manager level candidates

Interview Time & Place HR Officer

in HO

BH elsewhere In consultation with interview panel

Travel reimbursement release HR. Officer or Accts Heads If within norms and eligibilities; exceptions to approved by HR head

Selecting a candidate or placing in &waitlist Interview Panel Head In consultation with HR Nominee!

Salary Fixation (of range) Panel Head of final interview In consultation with HR Nominee; to be within 10% of equivalent internal employee; exceptions to be taken to a higher level

Salary negotiation HR Nominee or Panel Head in the absence of HR nominee If within agreed range; discuss with higher level any exceptions

Offer letter to candidate HR Head As per terms agreed and specified in final interview sheet

Campus Recruitment

Institutes to visit

HR Head

With prior consultations involving Retail Head / FH

Candidate’s reimbursement.

 Company would reimburse the travel expenses including the local conveyance to the candidates coming for interview on par with what they would be eligible if selected.

 Fare will be provided to the candidate from the place/city where the candidate stays to the place/city where selection process is held.

 As special cases, senior level candidates (for the position of Sr. Manager or above) from outstation may be put in a hotel if interview extends to the next day. Candidate needs to submit a claim along with supporting for getting the expenses reimbursed.

 Company would insist on supporting from the candidates and exceptions would have to be authorized by HR Head.

On Joining.

1. Responsibilities of HR / Accts Department.

According to the current organizational structure of the company, there is no HR department in the Retail outlets. So a person in the Accts department is designated for doing the formalities regarding recruitment & joining.

2. Communication.

At Head office:

HRD will be responsible for internal communication about the joining of any recruit through Email /or through notice.

At Show Rooms:

The person designated for the job of recruitments, from the Accts. Department will be responsible for communicating the joining of new recruits through Email or a notice.

3. Forms to be filled by the new recruit.

The new recruit has to fill the following forms, which are available with the HR department in the head office or with the commercial department for employees working in regions.

1. Personal Data Form.

2. Joining Report.

3. Nomination & Declaration form----for Employees’ Provident Funds & Family Pension Scheme. (Form-2).

4. Payment of Gratuity Rules----Nomination for Gratuity. (Form-F).

5. Employees’ State Insurance Corporation. (Declaration form / Form-1).

6. Group Mediclaim Insurance policy proposal form

* In case of the regions, it is the responsibility of the designated person for recruitments at Retail Outlets to get the above forms filled & sends it to HRD.

Documents to be submitted by the new recruit.

HRD in case of Head office / in regions, person designated for this job shall make sure that the photocopies of the following documents are submitted by the new recruit & they should be verified with the original documents.

• Age proof certificate.

• Qualifying degree certificate.

(* In case where the recruitment of a candidate is done subjected to passing in the qualifying degree, then the copy of the same should be submitted within 6 months from the date of joining).

• Two passport size photographs.

• One stamp size photograph for Identity Card.

4. Accommodation for new recruit.

New recruits at Manager Level & above who are from outstation are provided accommodation in the hotel for 15 days. If the person overstays, then it will be on his own expense.

For other levels, accommodation is not provided to the new recruit. But HR department assists in finding the accommodation.

If the out stationed new recruits are called for an Induction or other Training to Corporate office or to any other place than they are eligible to claim their TA/ DA amount as per the company policy.

5. Induction

1. The Purpose of Induction

Induction is the final stage of the recruitment process. Once the successful candidate has accepted the offer of employment and a start date has been agreed the HR Head /Head of Department is responsible for preparing an induction programme for the new employee.

2. The Induction Programme

 Induction takes time and an employee should not be overloaded with too much information on his/her first day of their employment. The detail of the induction programme will vary according to a number of factors such as previous Company experience, previous experience of the duties of the post, position within the department etc. However, it is important that all new employees are given support and assistance during the first few weeks of their employment.

 An induction training of 3 week is organized for the new recruits at the level of managers & above that they can get familiarized with the functions, businesses processes & people of the organization.

 Functional induction is conducted for Sales / back office positions where the new recruit will undergo detailed 15 days induction in his functions depending upon the nature of his job.

 For Management Trainees the induction is for min 60 days at the Training Academy.

3. New employees will need to know:

• Practicalities: location of toilets and other facilities, working hours, meal breaks, dress code (if applicable), location of dining facilities on campus etc;

• About the job: content, duties, reporting structures;

• The wider context: the company, policies and procedures.

Part of the induction process may include the new employee being assigned to a mentor.

In circumstances where an existing employee is appointed to a post in a different department it is important that an induction programme is developed focusing on the new post and Department.

4. Induction Checklist

On the first day of his/her employment or as soon as possible thereafter the new employee should complete the Induction Checklist and Staff Introductions Checklist in conjunction with his/her line manager. The completed Checklists should be retained within the employing Department.


To be used by the Inductee

IMPORTANT NOTE -- To be used by the Inductee and a tick mark to be put on all the items on completion. NA to be mentioned for items not applicable.


It is important that you meet key personnel in the Department. They are also keen to meet you and help you. Experience shows that time spent meeting people in this initial period is well spent and will be of great benefit to you later on. The list below suggests those who it would be valuable for you to meet. Your line manager will indicate those with whom he/she thinks you will have contact by a cross in the appropriate box in the left hand column. Your line manager will then ensure that you meet these members of staff, and will tick off the names of those you have been introduced to in the right hand column, as and when you meet them (these introductions should preferably be made within the first two weeks of employment).


Please mark (with a cross) those staff members it is valuable for the new employee to meet Please mar staff members to whom the new k (with a tick) those employee has been introduced


All Staff in the immediate Work Area 0


Head of Department 0


MD 0


Head of immediate section 0


HR In charge 0


Stores, Technical and other administrative staff (as appropriate) 0


Heads of other Sections (as appropriate) 0


Departmental Staff (as appropriate) 0


Staff in other departments with whom the post holder will work or liaise 0

Please return the signed form to your line manager once all the relevant staff introductions have been made. Thank you.






To be used by the Inductee

IMPORTANT NOTE -- To be used by the Inductee and a tick mark to be put on all the items on completion. NA to be mentioned for items not applicable.

Both this checklist and the attached Staff Introductions checklist should be signed as appropriate and returned to your line manager as soon as all parts of the induction have been completed.

Please tick to confirm Induction Kit received with the following items --

Induction Schedule /Induction Manual 0

Company address & Telephone No sheet 0

Key Day to Day Contacts -list 0

Intercom numbers List 0

Writing pad / Pen 0

Please tick to confirm you have received the relevant information or covered the appropriate topic with your line manager:

 Received an offer letter /Appointment order from the HR Office. 0

 Received an Induction Kit 0

 Received a tour of the Department and major offices and been introduced to key members of staff. 0

 Visited the HR Department and arranged swipe card access to the Department/Unit. 0

 Location of nearest:

• Toilets

• Drinking water

• Pigeonholes and mail collection points

• Photocopier





 Company’s History 0

 Vision 0

 Mission’s 0

 Values & Beliefs 0

 Store Addresses 0

 Group Companies 0

 Employee Related Policies 0

 Leave Policies 0

 On Duty Updation 0

 Permissions 0

 Office hours 0

 Attendance 0

 Salary Disbursements 0

 Loan and Advances 0

Once you have completed all the above sections, and read the supporting information please complete the following and return the signed form to your line manager. Thank you.





5. Probation Period

All employees are subject to a probation period, the length of which varies according to the post. During an employee's probation period it is important that regular reviews are scheduled to provide the new employee with sufficient support to help him/her settle in quickly and to address any issues as they arise.

Further guidance on the induction procedure is available with HR Department

6. Stationery to be provided to the new recruit.

Stationery like Stapler, Punching Machine, Calculator and other small items like eraser, scale, sharpener, etc. will be provided to the corporate staffs only once by the company to the employee which will be done at the time of his joining and the same (except the eraser, scale, sharpener etc.) will be taken back at the time of his transfer to other departments / areas / regions / or at the time of leaving the company.

7. Email Allocation

The new recruit who is selected for the post of executive & above will get an email Id. This shall be done by the System Department on request from the HR Department/Accts. Department.

8. Visiting card requisition.

For this purpose, the new recruit could give requisition to the HR department or to Accts. Department incase of employees working in Retail stores.

9. Forms & Model Letters.

Manpower Requisition form

1. Model Call Letter

2. Interview Evaluation Sheet

3. Guide for conducting Telephone Reference Check

4. Model Offer Letter

5. Model letter –Student Trainee (Stipend Basis)

6. Model letter –Student Trainee (Non -Stipend Basis)

7. Model -Letter of Offer for Management Trainees.

8. Model Letter of appointment order for Regular Employees

9. Confirmation Format

10. Model - confirmation order.

11. Model Transfer Letter (On temporary Basis)

12. Model Transfer Letter

Hope you will like it...Soory for pasting but I dont hve any solution .



From India, Lucknow
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