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I have recently joined an organisation which is into import of metal scrap.
There was no HR dept. here until now.
They are into both domestic and international procurement having offices in Mumbai , Delhi , Pune , Ahmedabad , Bangalore, Hyderabad , Chennai and international offices like Dubai, U.S. etc.
They import metal scrap from abroad as well as procure it locally too.
Now, i have to prepare an organization structure for this company.How do I go about doing the same ?
Also , the job responsibilites are not all defined for most of the employees here
Please let me know what are the things I need to bear in mind while preparing the structure and the steps to be taken.

From India, Mumbai

Dear Buzz,
You can start doing this in powerpoint there is s provision in it to create structures.
Who goes where your boss should be able to tell you i. e. if he has asked you to do it.
If he doesnt then its ok for you to not to know.

From India, Pune

First, you have to prepare an organisation styructure. Then you have to identify the departments. The number positions to be determined like GMs, DGMs, Area Managers, etc. The duties and responsibilities depending on the product and nature of your company is to be designed for technical personnel. For non-technical like HR, Finace, PR, the duties are one and the same for all company except reporting.
All the above things cannot be done immediately. Lot of discussions should take place before preparing the draft. You have to consult your MD/Director and take guidancce. A group of senior people should sit togethe and draw out the structure.

From India, Visakhapatnam
Cite Contribution

Please consider the following suggestions when you work on the org chart:
  • Identify different verticals and segregate work flows in them
  • Identify the decision maker
  • Spot the responsibilities owners
  • Identify the key players who belongs to the following three categories:
    • Individual whose absence would stop the work and why
    • the roles that are difficult to train
    • Continuity required in few roles
    • Follow the escalation matrix and identify who resolves them
  • People who need to be kept informed even though they may not be directly related to work
  • When you plot these, try and identify them as roles and avoid using individual's name.
  • You would find a map with different roles add different levels to them on the basis of the decision making and responsibility they have.
  • Present it to your reporting manager and take his input .
This should suffice , please do revert if you have further queries on this .
(Cite Contribution)

From India, Mumbai

First make your draft plan whatever you are seeing in your organisation.
Write one by one
Compile it in chronological order
Head Office Organisation Structure
Head Procurement, Head Finance, Head Sales, Head Administration, Head HR, Head Operations, Head Maintenance, Head etc etc etc
Make Second level
Make Managerial Level
Make Supervisor level
Make Worker Level with their responsibility of work
Design in the same way to Branch Procurement cells and Offices in India and Outside India. There also the first will be CMD then In charge of the Branch/Procurement Area Office or Country Head
Make Second Level
Make Managerial Level
and so on.
Compile it with name and duties and responsibilities of each workmen level (grass-root level) to higher level.
You can do it. You will do it. Start without any panic.
With warm regards
S. Bhaskar

From India, Kumbakonam
I read your requiremnt, you have to structure the below department
1. Business Development Team - they cordinate with your international office to procure scrap also develop markets in india - adding new client list yo existiing list in india
2. Logistics team -you have to develop team to support the above team in clearence of scrap at various ports in india and also despatch to clients who purchased from you, this involves - Shipping, Customs clearence and transportation.
3. Finance & Accounts - they take care of finance, accounts recivables, payments. etc.
4. admin team - to take care of day to day office activities and hr related work.
hope i gave you a brief idea. all the best.

From India, New Delhi

But how am I supposed to proceed if some senior people like for eg . the branch head of pune cannot provide me his own job descriprion ? He has no idea regarding the tasks he is supposed to perform.

There is no absolutely clear definition of roles and responsibilities.How do I ascertain the reporting structure ?

How am I supposed to assign designations to all the employees ?

I'm singlehandedly taking care of Mumbai , Pune , Nashik, Bangalore , Hyderabad , Chennai , Ahmedabad.PLus within Mumbai itself , a different group company has been created where some employees have been randomly put on that companies payroll. Its all very haphazard and disorganised.Sometimes people are hired even when there is no requirement and there are other areas where there is manpower shortage.And then there are eternal issues of assigning job responsibilites.No one really knows what he / she is supposed to do.Work is randomly dumped.Please advise how do I go about preparing the structure keeping alos the other cities in mind.

Need your help..please guide me.

From India, Mumbai
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