Memorandum of Agreement made this the
day of one
thousand nine hundred and
(hereinafter called the 'Teacher') of the first part, and the
University of Hyderabad being a body corporate constituted under
the University of Hyderabad Act 1974 (39 of 1974) (hereinafter
called the University) of the second part.
It is hereby agreed as follows:
1. That the University hereby appoints
to be a member of the teaching staff of the University with
effect from the date the said takes charge of the
duties of his/her post and the said
hereby accepts the engagement, and undertakes to take such duties
in the University as may be required by and in accordance with
the said Act, being in force, whether the same relate to organisation
of instruction or teaching, or research or the examination
of students or their discipline or their welfare, and generally
to act under the direction of the authorities of the University.
2. (1) The teacher shall be on probation for a period of 12
months which may be extended so as not to exceed 24 months in
(2) The University shall have the power to relax the provisions
contained in sub-paragraph (1) and shall also have the right to
assess the suitability of the teacher for confirmation even
before the expiry of the period of 12 months from the date of his
appointment but not earlier than 9 months from that date.
(3) If the University is satisfied with the suitability of the
teacher for confirmation he shall be confirmed in the post to
which he was appointed at the end of the period of his probation.
(4) In case the University decides not to confirm the teacher
whether at the end of the 12 months period of his probation or at
the end of the extended period of probation, as the case may be
the teacher shall be informed in writing, at least, 30 days
before the expiration of that period that he would not be confirmed
and would, consequently cease to be in the service of the
University at the end of the period of his probation.
3. That the said shall be a wholetime
teacher of the University and unless the contract is
terminated by the Executive Council or by the teacher as hereinafter
provided, shall continue in the service of the University
until he completes the age of sixty years.
4. That the University shall pay. during the
continuance of his engagement hereunder as a remuneration for his
services a salary of Rs. per mensem, rising by annual
increment of Rs. to a maximum salary of Rs.
per mensem.
Provided that whenever there is any change in the nature of
the appointment or the emoluments of the teacher, particulars of
the change shall be recorded in the Schedule annexed hereto,
under the signature of both the parties and the terms of this
agreement shall apply mutatis, mutadis to the new post and the
terms and conditions attached to that post:
Provided further that no increment shall be withheld or
postponed save by a resolution of the Executive Council on a
reference by the Vice Chancellor to it, and after the teacher has
been given sufficient opportunity to make his written representation
5. That the said teacher agrees to be bound by the Statutes,
Ordinances, Regulations and Rules for the time being in force in
the University, provided that no change in the terms and conditions
of service of the teacher shall be made after his appointment
in regard to designation, scale of pay, increment, provident
fund, retirement benefits, age of retirement, probation confirmation,
leave, leave salary and removal from service so as to
adversely affect him.
6. That the teacher shall devote his whole-time to the service of
the University and shall not, without the written permission of
the University, engage, directly or indirectly, in any trade or
business whatsoever, or in any private tuition or other work to
which any emoluments or honorarium is attached, but this prohibition
shall not apply to work undertaken in connection with the
examination of Universities or learned bodies or Public Service
Commissions or to any literary work or publication or radio talk
or extension lectures, or, with the permission of the Vice Chancellor,
to any other academic work.
7. That the said teacher agrees to observe the code of conduct
formulated by the University on its teachers.
8. It is further agreed that this engagement shall not be liable
to be determined by the University except on the grounds specified
and in accordance with the procedure laid down in clauses
(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) of Statute 27 (reproduced below):
1. Where there is an allegation of misconduct against a teacher,
or a member of the academic staff, the Vice Chancellor may, if he
thinks fit, by order in writing, place the teacher under
suspension and shall forthwith report to the Executive Council
the circumstances in which the order was made:
Provided that the Executive Council may, if it is of the opinion,
that the circumstances of the case do not warrant the suspension
of the teacher or a member of academic staff, revoke such order.
2. Notwithstanding anything contained in the terms of his contract
of service or of his appointment the Executive Council
shall be entitled to remove a teacher or a member of the academic
staff on the ground of misconduct.
3. Save as aforesaid, the Executive Council shall not be entitled
to remove a teacher or a member of the academic staff except for
good cause and after giving three months notice in writing or on
payment of three months salary in lieu of notice.
4. No teacher or a member of the academic staff shall be removed
under clause (2) or under clause (3) until he has been given a
reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the action proposed
to be taken in regard to him.
5. he removal of a teacher or a member of the academic staff
shall require a two-thirds majority of the members of the Executive
Council present and voting.
6. The removal of a teacher or a member of the academic staff
shall take effect from the date on which the order of removal is
"Provided that where a teacher or a member of the academic staff
is under suspension at the time of his removal, the removal shall
take effect from the date on which he was placed under suspension.
9. Any dispute arising out of this contract shall be settled in
accordance with the provisions of clause (2) of Section 30 of the
University of Hyderabad Act, 1974 (re-produced below):
"Any dispute arising out of a contract between the University and
any employes shall, at the request of the employee, be referred
to a Tribunal of Arbitration consisting of one member appointed
by the Executive Council, one member nominated by the employee
concerned and an umpire appointed by the Visitor. The decision
of the Tribunal shall be final, and no suit shall lie in any
civil court in respect of the matters decided by the Tribunal.
Every such request shall be deemed to be a submission to arbitration,
upon the terms of this section, within the meaning of
the Arbitra:ion Act, 1940."
10. A teacher may, at any time, terminate his engagement by
giving the Executive Council three months' notice in writing or
on payment to the University of three months salary in lieu
thereof, provided that the Executive Council may waive the requirement
of notice at its discretion.
11. On the termination of this engagement, from whatever cause,
the teacher shall deliver up to the University all books, apparatus,
records and such other articles belonging to the University
as may be due from him.
In witness where of the parties hereto affix their hands and
1. Signature:
In the presence of:
1. Signature: 2. Signature:
Designation Designation:
Signed and sealed on behalf of the University under the
authority of the Executive Council by:
1. Signature:
In the presence of:
1. Signature 2. Signature
Designation Designation
Name of the Teacher in Full:
Salary Rs: In the grade of
Note: The change in grade, salary or designation should be briefly
Change of Designation or Grade:
Date of EC approval:
Date from which change takes effect:
Signature of the teacher:
Signature of the Officer of the University:
For Short-term Appointment
Memorandum of Agreement made this the
day of one thousand nine hundred and
between (hereinafter called the 'Teacher') of
:he first part, and the University of Hyderabad being a body
corporate constituted under the University of Hyderabad Act, 1974
(39 of 1974) (hereinafter called the 'University') of the second
It is hereby agreed as follows:
1. That the University hereby appoints
to be a member of the teaching staff of the University with
of feet from the and the said
hereby accepts the engagement, and undertakes
to take such part in the activities of the University and perform
such duties in the University as may be required by and in accordance
with the said Act, Statutes and Ordinances framed thereunder,
for the time being in force, whether the same relate to
organisation of instruction, or teaching, or research or the
examination of students or their discipline or their welfare, and
generally to act under the direction of the authorities of the
2. That the said shall be a whole-time teacher
of the University and unless the contract is terminated by the
Executive Council or by the teacher before the expiry of the term
of his appointment for which he is appointed or is terminated as
hereinafter provided, shall continue in the service of the University
for the period of his appointment as aforesaid.
3. That the University shall pay during the
continuance of his engagement hereunder as a remuneration of his
services a salary of Rs. plus usual allowances per
mensem, raising by annual increments of Rs. to a
maximum salary of Rs. per mensem.
Provided that no increment shall be withheld or postponed
save by a resolution of the Executive Council on a reference by
the Vice Chancellor to it, and after the teacher has been given
sufficient opportunity to make his written representation.
4. That the said teacher agrees to be bound by the Statutes,
Ordinances, Regulations and Rules for the time being in force in
the University, provided that no change in the terms and conditions
of service of teacher shall be made, after his appointment
in regard to designation, scale of pay, increment and provident
fund so as to adversely affect him.
5. That the teacher shall devote his whole-time to the service of
the University and shall not, without the written permission of
the University, engage, directly or indirectly, in any trade or
business whatsoever, or in any private tuition or other work to
which any emolument or honorarium is attached, but this prohibition
shall not apply to work undertaken, in connection with the
examination of Universities or learned bodies or public service
commissions, or to any literary work or publication or radio talk
or extension lectures, or, with the permission of the Vice Chancellor,
to any other academic work.
6. It is further agreed that this engagement shall not be liable
to be determined before the expiry of the aforesaid period of
appointment by the University except on the grounds specified and
in accordance with the procedure laid down in Clause
(1),(2) , (3) ,(4) ,(5) , and (6) of Statute 27 (reproduced below):
"1. Where there is an allegation of misconduct against a teacher,
of a member of the academic staff the Vice Chancellor may, if he
thinks fit, by order in writing, place the teacher under suspension
and shall forthwith report to the Executive Council the
circumstances in which the order was made:
Provided that the Executive Council may, if it is of the
opinion, that the circumstances of the case do not warrant the
suspension of the teacher or a member of academic staff, revoke
such order.
2. Notwithstanding anything contained in the terms of his contract
of service or of his appointment, the Executive Council
shall be entitled to remove a teacher or a member of the academic
staff on the ground of misconduct.
3. Save as aforesaid the Executive Council shall not be entitled
to remove a teacher or a member of the academic staff except for
good cause and after giving three months notice in writing or on
payment of three months salary in lieu of notice
4. No teacher or a member of the academic staff shall be removed
under Clause (2) or under Clause (3) until he has been given a
reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the action proposed
to be taken in regard to him.
5. The removal of a teacher or a member of the academic staff
shall' require a two-thirds majority of the members of the Executive
Council present and voting.
6. The removal of a teacher or a member of the academic staff
shall take effect from the date 01 which the order of removal is
Provided that where a teacher or a member of the academic
staff is under suspension at the time of his removal, the removal
shall take effect from the date on which he was placed under
7. Any dispute arising out of this contract shall be settled in
accordance with the provisions of Clause (2) of Section 30 of the
University of Hyderabad Act, 1974. (reproduced below):
"Any dispute arising out of a contract between the University
and any employee shall, at the request of the employee, be referred
to a Tribunal of Arbitration consisting of one member
appointed by the Executive Council, one member nominated by the
employee concerned and an umpire appointed by the Visitor. The
decision of the Tribunal shall be final, and no suit shall lie in
any civil court in respect of the matters decided by the Tribunal.
Every such request shall be deemed to be a submission to
arbitration, upon the terms of this section, within the meaning
of the Arbitration Act, 1940."
8. The teacher may at any time, terminate his engagement by
giving the Executive Council three months notice in writing or
on payment to the University of three months salary in lieu
thereof, provided that the Executive Council may waive the requirement
of notice at its discretion.
9. On the termination of this engagement, from whatever cause,
the teacher shall deliver up to the University all books, apparatus,
records and such other articles belonging to the University
as may be due from him.
In witness whereof the parties hereto affix their hands and
In the presence of:
1. Signature 2. Signature:
Designation Designation
Signed and sealed on behalf of the University under the
authority of the Executive Council by:
In the presence of:
1. Signature 2. Signature
Designation Designation
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Memorandum of Agreement made this the
day of one
thousand nine hundred and
(hereinafter called the 'Teacher') of the first part, and the
University of Hyderabad being a body corporate constituted under
the University of Hyderabad Act 1974 (39 of 1974) (hereinafter
called the University) of the second part.
It is hereby agreed as follows:
1. That the University hereby appoints
to be a member of the teaching staff of the University with
effect from the date the said takes charge of the
duties of his/her post and the said
hereby accepts the engagement, and undertakes to take such duties
in the University as may be required by and in accordance with
the said Act, being in force, whether the same relate to organisation
of instruction or teaching, or research or the examination
of students or their discipline or their welfare, and generally
to act under the direction of the authorities of the University.
2. (1) The teacher shall be on probation for a period of 12
months which may be extended so as not to exceed 24 months in
(2) The University shall have the power to relax the provisions
contained in sub-paragraph (1) and shall also have the right to
assess the suitability of the teacher for confirmation even
before the expiry of the period of 12 months from the date of his
appointment but not earlier than 9 months from that date.
(3) If the University is satisfied with the suitability of the
teacher for confirmation he shall be confirmed in the post to
which he was appointed at the end of the period of his probation.
(4) In case the University decides not to confirm the teacher
whether at the end of the 12 months period of his probation or at
the end of the extended period of probation, as the case may be
the teacher shall be informed in writing, at least, 30 days
before the expiration of that period that he would not be confirmed
and would, consequently cease to be in the service of the
University at the end of the period of his probation.
3. That the said shall be a wholetime
teacher of the University and unless the contract is
terminated by the Executive Council or by the teacher as hereinafter
provided, shall continue in the service of the University
until he completes the age of sixty years.
4. That the University shall pay. during the
continuance of his engagement hereunder as a remuneration for his
services a salary of Rs. per mensem, rising by annual
increment of Rs. to a maximum salary of Rs.
per mensem.
Provided that whenever there is any change in the nature of
the appointment or the emoluments of the teacher, particulars of
the change shall be recorded in the Schedule annexed hereto,
under the signature of both the parties and the terms of this
agreement shall apply mutatis, mutadis to the new post and the
terms and conditions attached to that post:
Provided further that no increment shall be withheld or
postponed save by a resolution of the Executive Council on a
reference by the Vice Chancellor to it, and after the teacher has
been given sufficient opportunity to make his written representation
5. That the said teacher agrees to be bound by the Statutes,
Ordinances, Regulations and Rules for the time being in force in
the University, provided that no change in the terms and conditions
of service of the teacher shall be made after his appointment
in regard to designation, scale of pay, increment, provident
fund, retirement benefits, age of retirement, probation confirmation,
leave, leave salary and removal from service so as to
adversely affect him.
6. That the teacher shall devote his whole-time to the service of
the University and shall not, without the written permission of
the University, engage, directly or indirectly, in any trade or
business whatsoever, or in any private tuition or other work to
which any emoluments or honorarium is attached, but this prohibition
shall not apply to work undertaken in connection with the
examination of Universities or learned bodies or Public Service
Commissions or to any literary work or publication or radio talk
or extension lectures, or, with the permission of the Vice Chancellor,
to any other academic work.
7. That the said teacher agrees to observe the code of conduct
formulated by the University on its teachers.
8. It is further agreed that this engagement shall not be liable
to be determined by the University except on the grounds specified
and in accordance with the procedure laid down in clauses
(1), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) of Statute 27 (reproduced below):
1. Where there is an allegation of misconduct against a teacher,
or a member of the academic staff, the Vice Chancellor may, if he
thinks fit, by order in writing, place the teacher under
suspension and shall forthwith report to the Executive Council
the circumstances in which the order was made:
Provided that the Executive Council may, if it is of the opinion,
that the circumstances of the case do not warrant the suspension
of the teacher or a member of academic staff, revoke such order.
2. Notwithstanding anything contained in the terms of his contract
of service or of his appointment the Executive Council
shall be entitled to remove a teacher or a member of the academic
staff on the ground of misconduct.
3. Save as aforesaid, the Executive Council shall not be entitled
to remove a teacher or a member of the academic staff except for
good cause and after giving three months notice in writing or on
payment of three months salary in lieu of notice.
4. No teacher or a member of the academic staff shall be removed
under clause (2) or under clause (3) until he has been given a
reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the action proposed
to be taken in regard to him.
5. he removal of a teacher or a member of the academic staff
shall require a two-thirds majority of the members of the Executive
Council present and voting.
6. The removal of a teacher or a member of the academic staff
shall take effect from the date on which the order of removal is
"Provided that where a teacher or a member of the academic staff
is under suspension at the time of his removal, the removal shall
take effect from the date on which he was placed under suspension.
9. Any dispute arising out of this contract shall be settled in
accordance with the provisions of clause (2) of Section 30 of the
University of Hyderabad Act, 1974 (re-produced below):
"Any dispute arising out of a contract between the University and
any employes shall, at the request of the employee, be referred
to a Tribunal of Arbitration consisting of one member appointed
by the Executive Council, one member nominated by the employee
concerned and an umpire appointed by the Visitor. The decision
of the Tribunal shall be final, and no suit shall lie in any
civil court in respect of the matters decided by the Tribunal.
Every such request shall be deemed to be a submission to arbitration,
upon the terms of this section, within the meaning of
the Arbitra:ion Act, 1940."
10. A teacher may, at any time, terminate his engagement by
giving the Executive Council three months' notice in writing or
on payment to the University of three months salary in lieu
thereof, provided that the Executive Council may waive the requirement
of notice at its discretion.
11. On the termination of this engagement, from whatever cause,
the teacher shall deliver up to the University all books, apparatus,
records and such other articles belonging to the University
as may be due from him.
In witness where of the parties hereto affix their hands and
1. Signature:
In the presence of:
1. Signature: 2. Signature:
Designation Designation:
Signed and sealed on behalf of the University under the
authority of the Executive Council by:
1. Signature:
In the presence of:
1. Signature 2. Signature
Designation Designation
Name of the Teacher in Full:
Salary Rs: In the grade of
Note: The change in grade, salary or designation should be briefly
Change of Designation or Grade:
Date of EC approval:
Date from which change takes effect:
Signature of the teacher:
Signature of the Officer of the University:
For Short-term Appointment
Memorandum of Agreement made this the
day of one thousand nine hundred and
between (hereinafter called the 'Teacher') of
:he first part, and the University of Hyderabad being a body
corporate constituted under the University of Hyderabad Act, 1974
(39 of 1974) (hereinafter called the 'University') of the second
It is hereby agreed as follows:
1. That the University hereby appoints
to be a member of the teaching staff of the University with
of feet from the and the said
hereby accepts the engagement, and undertakes
to take such part in the activities of the University and perform
such duties in the University as may be required by and in accordance
with the said Act, Statutes and Ordinances framed thereunder,
for the time being in force, whether the same relate to
organisation of instruction, or teaching, or research or the
examination of students or their discipline or their welfare, and
generally to act under the direction of the authorities of the
2. That the said shall be a whole-time teacher
of the University and unless the contract is terminated by the
Executive Council or by the teacher before the expiry of the term
of his appointment for which he is appointed or is terminated as
hereinafter provided, shall continue in the service of the University
for the period of his appointment as aforesaid.
3. That the University shall pay during the
continuance of his engagement hereunder as a remuneration of his
services a salary of Rs. plus usual allowances per
mensem, raising by annual increments of Rs. to a
maximum salary of Rs. per mensem.
Provided that no increment shall be withheld or postponed
save by a resolution of the Executive Council on a reference by
the Vice Chancellor to it, and after the teacher has been given
sufficient opportunity to make his written representation.
4. That the said teacher agrees to be bound by the Statutes,
Ordinances, Regulations and Rules for the time being in force in
the University, provided that no change in the terms and conditions
of service of teacher shall be made, after his appointment
in regard to designation, scale of pay, increment and provident
fund so as to adversely affect him.
5. That the teacher shall devote his whole-time to the service of
the University and shall not, without the written permission of
the University, engage, directly or indirectly, in any trade or
business whatsoever, or in any private tuition or other work to
which any emolument or honorarium is attached, but this prohibition
shall not apply to work undertaken, in connection with the
examination of Universities or learned bodies or public service
commissions, or to any literary work or publication or radio talk
or extension lectures, or, with the permission of the Vice Chancellor,
to any other academic work.
6. It is further agreed that this engagement shall not be liable
to be determined before the expiry of the aforesaid period of
appointment by the University except on the grounds specified and
in accordance with the procedure laid down in Clause
(1),(2) , (3) ,(4) ,(5) , and (6) of Statute 27 (reproduced below):
"1. Where there is an allegation of misconduct against a teacher,
of a member of the academic staff the Vice Chancellor may, if he
thinks fit, by order in writing, place the teacher under suspension
and shall forthwith report to the Executive Council the
circumstances in which the order was made:
Provided that the Executive Council may, if it is of the
opinion, that the circumstances of the case do not warrant the
suspension of the teacher or a member of academic staff, revoke
such order.
2. Notwithstanding anything contained in the terms of his contract
of service or of his appointment, the Executive Council
shall be entitled to remove a teacher or a member of the academic
staff on the ground of misconduct.
3. Save as aforesaid the Executive Council shall not be entitled
to remove a teacher or a member of the academic staff except for
good cause and after giving three months notice in writing or on
payment of three months salary in lieu of notice
4. No teacher or a member of the academic staff shall be removed
under Clause (2) or under Clause (3) until he has been given a
reasonable opportunity of showing cause against the action proposed
to be taken in regard to him.
5. The removal of a teacher or a member of the academic staff
shall' require a two-thirds majority of the members of the Executive
Council present and voting.
6. The removal of a teacher or a member of the academic staff
shall take effect from the date 01 which the order of removal is
Provided that where a teacher or a member of the academic
staff is under suspension at the time of his removal, the removal
shall take effect from the date on which he was placed under
7. Any dispute arising out of this contract shall be settled in
accordance with the provisions of Clause (2) of Section 30 of the
University of Hyderabad Act, 1974. (reproduced below):
"Any dispute arising out of a contract between the University
and any employee shall, at the request of the employee, be referred
to a Tribunal of Arbitration consisting of one member
appointed by the Executive Council, one member nominated by the
employee concerned and an umpire appointed by the Visitor. The
decision of the Tribunal shall be final, and no suit shall lie in
any civil court in respect of the matters decided by the Tribunal.
Every such request shall be deemed to be a submission to
arbitration, upon the terms of this section, within the meaning
of the Arbitration Act, 1940."
8. The teacher may at any time, terminate his engagement by
giving the Executive Council three months notice in writing or
on payment to the University of three months salary in lieu
thereof, provided that the Executive Council may waive the requirement
of notice at its discretion.
9. On the termination of this engagement, from whatever cause,
the teacher shall deliver up to the University all books, apparatus,
records and such other articles belonging to the University
as may be due from him.
In witness whereof the parties hereto affix their hands and
In the presence of:
1. Signature 2. Signature:
Designation Designation
Signed and sealed on behalf of the University under the
authority of the Executive Council by:
In the presence of:
1. Signature 2. Signature
Designation Designation
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