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Respected my seniors and my juniors here i discusses with in our organisation union employees make misuse of company property and they break of rules and regulation please give me how to restrict this kind employees please response needful.
From India, Bengaluru
Srinath Sai Ram

Dear Pradeep, Please go through Certified Standing Orders of your Company thoroughly before initiating any disciplinary action.All disciplinary action will be as provided in your Certified Standing Orders.mere disciplinary will not suffice.You have to tighten your Security,Reporting of Disciplinary action etc
Further, counselling also plays a major role in reducing such misconducts.

From India, New Delhi

Dear Pradeep, You need to devise a strategy to tackle this problem. Since you have realised the damage, the response could be either a drastic action which does not appear to be feasible unless the whole establishment backs it as well as it is risky, the other alternative is to list down all such activities, prioritise them and put a stop to those for which there will be least resistance. Progressively bring in a better culture of discipline and control. It will take a little time but is worth pursuing.
From India, Mumbai

Dear Pradeep,
Union membership of any employee can not be a licence to violate the code of conduct or rules of discipline applicable to employees. It is not known whether you are a Line Manager or a HR Manager. Whatever you are, when you present any problem for discussion and resolution before a common forum like citeHR, it is always pertinent that you provide complete information. Particularly, when the problem-makers are union activists employed in the organization, you should provide certain essential details like the following:
1) What is the total no of employees ( workmen ) in the unit?
2) What is your establishment - a factory or some thing else?
3) How many unions are functioning on behalf of such employees and whether all are registered under the Trade Unions Act,1926?
4) Whether the management has given recognition to any union?
5) If so, whether the trouble-makers belong to the recognized union or the unrecognized ones?
6) Is there any inter-union rivalry?
7) Whether the trouble-makers are mere members of any union or office bearers?
8) If they are office bearers, whether all or some of them are recognized by the management as protected workmen?
9) Any labor issues are pending negotiation at bi-partite level or before any conciliation forum?
10)Any complaint received from the Line Managers or security personnel and the action taken so far.

From India, Salem
All of you thank for given better good respons and solution my question.
From India, Bengaluru

Dear respected sir /madam I have one doubt regarding the shifting of the company to sez My doubt what will the labour laws remain same are unchange I heard that their is separate laws for sez
From India, Bangalore
Srinath Sai Ram

Dear Harikumar, Status quo remains regarding continuation of applicability of Labour Laws even after shifting to SEZ
From India, New Delhi
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