A) Presentation on the topic
“Strategies as ART for Decision Making” taking in account the following topics
i) Strategies for youth dominated market.
ii) Design as a strategic differentiator
iii) Managing new India strategies and perspective
iv) Strategies for global compitetors
v) People, India’s advantage, the strategic out look, the execution challenges.
B) Write a case study on the following:
i) Quantitative techniques for decision making. Apply below given thesis of OT, Decision making and write a case study based on the following thesis of OT.
i) Decision Theory ii) Theory of games
iii) Quening Theory: In the area of major or co major specialization case study should be original.
i) Brief introduction of corporate with reference to particular problem, decision.
ii) In depth and incisive analysis.
From India, Delhi
A) Presentation on the topic
“Strategies as ART for Decision Making” taking in account the following topics
i) Strategies for youth dominated market.
ii) Design as a strategic differentiator
iii) Managing new India strategies and perspective
iv) Strategies for global compitetors
v) People, India’s advantage, the strategic out look, the execution challenges.
B) Write a case study on the following:
i) Quantitative techniques for decision making. Apply below given thesis of OT, Decision making and write a case study based on the following thesis of OT.
i) Decision Theory ii) Theory of games
iii) Quening Theory: In the area of major or co major specialization case study should be original.
Steps for writing case study
ii) In depth and incisive analysis.
From India, Delhi
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