Dear All.. Please go through the presentation. it would help us to generate new fresh ideas..... regards Aravind
From India, Bangalore
From India, Bangalore
Hi.....Arvind, Mind blowing PPT, which kindle my interest to see similar kind of PPTs from you.....keep going, I am learnning much more out of this... Thanks a lot.
From India, Chandigarh
From India, Chandigarh
very very clever compilation indeed, when can we expect the entire educatiion system in India to follow such hands on approach????? that our kids & grandkids are completely geared for the workplace, and there remains nothing called "entry level"
excellent PPT and very useful in present scenario of business and market. I hope we can save cost in many things following the theory shown in this and save a lot of money and jobs in companies.
Thank you,
Pradeep Arora
From India, Chandigarh
Thank you,
Pradeep Arora
From India, Chandigarh
Good One. Looking at altenate and feasible solutions must be the priority.
One thing that I have observed is that, the fear of recession, has created a bigger hole than the actual recession itself. This is stopping companies in thinking creatively and who knows- that might be the birth of an idea that can be a great hit when the ecomnomy revives!
But people are not willing to change from the usual routine... that is why when some people avoid ideas - they are saving their jobs. Truly selfish - but they never think of others who can also benefit by the creation of a new idea, that can save "many" jobs.
From India, Madras
One thing that I have observed is that, the fear of recession, has created a bigger hole than the actual recession itself. This is stopping companies in thinking creatively and who knows- that might be the birth of an idea that can be a great hit when the ecomnomy revives!
But people are not willing to change from the usual routine... that is why when some people avoid ideas - they are saving their jobs. Truly selfish - but they never think of others who can also benefit by the creation of a new idea, that can save "many" jobs.
From India, Madras
Its really been useful to note the intellectual cost cutting analysis with the adaptation of FAST Technique.
Now, companies may try to adopt such methods to reduce their costs but not lowering the manpower by which allocating the existing overheads equally to all functionalities.
From India, Madras
Now, companies may try to adopt such methods to reduce their costs but not lowering the manpower by which allocating the existing overheads equally to all functionalities.
From India, Madras
Dear Friend,
Really is a very good thought provoking presentation. If everyone think in that direction, we can scale new peaks in our misssion of cost effectiveness resulting end users at the very affordable price.
Keep it up for your lucid and vivid presentation.
From India, Bangalore
Really is a very good thought provoking presentation. If everyone think in that direction, we can scale new peaks in our misssion of cost effectiveness resulting end users at the very affordable price.
Keep it up for your lucid and vivid presentation.
From India, Bangalore
An excellent PPT, new concept narrated in a systematic way. Keep the good work going. Pl post more such material. Janardan
From India, Pune
From India, Pune
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