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I agree with Gujan, do whatever you can to make the employee feel comfortable. Try options like Pick and Drop from Home to Office, Giving extended hours of break time may work.
In my previous company we had an employee who was pregnant. We used to take her every 15 days for Doctor checkup. The employees were realy moved by it and it caused tremendrous overall change.
But tell me this, before this was she a true contributor for the organisation. What was her rating. Was she an worthy asset.
If the problem is with her Health try to take it smoothly.
But if the problem is with her attitude,
* Counsel her - Not working
* Give a verbal warning - Not working
* Give a non verbal warning - Not working
* why are stil looking at the screen, you should have terminated her by now.

From India, Pune
Dear Seema ,
As per rule she can avail maternity leave of 12 weeks.In that case she can take it 6 weeks before & 6 week after or 12 weeks after her due date.No one can take action against it but for frequent absentessim you can dirctly talk to her afterall only women can understand women problem so be positive.

From India, Mumbai

I feel takeing drastic action against an employee who is pregnant might psycologicly affect the child also as the mother would go under pressure.
You don't you visit her residence along with one of your lady staff and try to find out the actual problem.
Terminating her from the service is not a solution I feel.
Please do give a surprise visit, meet her family and find out the exact problem and solve it.

From India, Lucknow

Read all comments on this post.
Friends, why cant we empathise and work out a realistic solution. Pregnancy is a journey for a woman and obviously this lady employee may not want to share what discomforts she is going through. There are days when one cannot get up from their bed. Atleast she informs she isnt coming to work.
I strongly suggest that some senior HR member should have a chat with her and gather what exactly is wrong. This is what I feel. You have to get down to the level of the employee and try and feel what she is going through. Yes still if it continues, ask for some medical certificate for leaves she takes. Simple as this.

From United Arab Emirates, Dubai
M.Peer Mohamed Sardhar

Chucking out the Employee is Easy,,
But is that the Solution,,, Please understand that,,
Is this Employee very much to the Organisation
Is this Employee Plays a vital role in the Project Involved.
Why is that she is not availing leave, Please Clarify the reason,,
Sanction the leave and if possible give a facility to work home,,,
this decision should be taken after complete analysis of the Project, that is the cost involved, the duration at which the project to be completed etc

From India, Coimbatore
organise a counselling understand her present situation, relatively take counter measures.
but keep some of the aspects in mind before counselling:
1) her employee life time value for the organisation
2) her previous attendance history
3) her contributions to the company or scope of the same in future
4) adherence to the policy
any employee is bound to adhere the policies laid by the company.if she takes leave according to the policy.then it is ok.
but if you thinkh the viability aspect of the company then i am sorry you have to show empathy to the employee. because each and every female employees come across this phase.
this is the correct time to create employee loyalty for which all the companies are investing a lot and putting so much of efforts.


Dear Seema
Give her memo stating the reasons and also mention the dates which constitutes alternative days ask the reply for the same within 24 hours from the receipt of the date, if the reply is not satisfactory show cause her for the same.
Finallly, if she is not improving, state the reason and shoot a strong memo and finally add the word if you are not improving, the management force to take stringent action like suspending you from the services.
Start a enquiry and pay the 15 days wages as per act, and finally act according to the domestic enquiry results.
Thanks & Regards

Dear Seema, In today’s corporate world, for frequent absence frm office and indiscipline and unpuntuality, there is ONLY one solution: ASK HER TO LEAVE THE ORGANIZATION. Regards, Ajay
From India, Chennai

Hi Seema,
I would suggest you to look out for a back up, and indicate her deviation and issue her a memo , let us wait and see her explanations. if she shows her callous attitude explain that it will reflet on the organizations growth and take action.

From United Arab Emirates, Dubai

hi seema
anuradha is very right in what she said, but the only problem is that the maternity leaves can be availed 6 weeks prior to date of delivery and 6 weeks after delivery....
so i suggest you to talk to the lady very strictly about her absenteeism...
everybody can understand the situtation she is going through, but the company has to move can depend on any one person.
Rahul Verma

From India, Delhi
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