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Withholding of information of previous employment - CiteHR

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I applied for a govt company A while I was working in govt company B, but I didn't mention in the application form that I am working in govt services, as company B doesn't provide NOC before 3 years of service. Now I am selected for company A, so if they do background check and found out that I was working in govt service at the time of application, can they sue me for information suppression and cancel my candidature?


Dear friend,

Non-furnishing of NOC for job shifts before the completion of certain years of service in the organization is a rule to reduce frequent employee turn over only. However, such a rule cannot extinguish the right of the employee to resign when a better opportunity is available to him/her. Still, while applying for some other job particularly in some other Government company, you could have asked for NOC as a special case and upon refusal, if any, you could have mentioned in your application to the new job and should not have skipped the information.

From India, Salem

In case company A sought information on your employment status specifically in the application form and you suppressed it, then it is a serious matter and action is likely. Here I am not talking about the general clause in such advertisement that employees working in Government/PSUs shall forward their application through proper channel and you didn't bother for it. In general, it is not likely that Company A would take action against you for suppressing your employment status in B while applying for it. Non-disclosure of employment status is not a serious offence affecting your eligibility but is only a matter of procedure in the interest of PSUs. It is advisable that you get proper relieving from Company B while joining A. This would help in case there is any issue about it in future.
From India, Mumbai
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