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My Employer is not accepting my resignation as i have filled frustration and no growth as reason of leaving the job..they are asking to change the reason and i don't want to change as my reason is true...what should i do ??
From India, New Delhi

This needs a detailed investigation about the reasons for your frustration and no career growth. This may need to know about your tenure, performance and your approach for career growth and the response you got.
Now, giving the real and straight forward feedback does help for employer to validate and alter the culture where necessary. However, seems your employer is not accepting your feedback and there are many companies which will take time to mature and treat employees fairly. We can't do anything if the management is so poor.
You decide what you want, a smooth exit? If so, please change the reason to Better Prospectus and move on with a relief that you left a bad company.
Even if you think your feedback would change things around in your current company, you might have known this time. I meant, if you are confident about your MD or the top official of your company, you might have contacted them for your solution. There seems to be a bad management I guess.
So, just play wisely for smooth and exit and focus on your career.

From India, Bengaluru

Please send the resignation on email and if possible then send it from your official email address along with cc to your HR department.


Basically, employment is a contract and it remains in force only as long as the parties are willing. As such either of the parties can terminate the contract by strictly observing the specific terms of the contract, if any relating to its foreclosure or exit. Resignation is the mode of terminating the employment contract at the option of the employee as a party to it. Therefore, it is the independent decision of the employee based on his own discretion.
When the resignation is in writing, conforms to the conditions of exit and complies with the organizational protocol of communication and no disciplinary action for any misconduct is pending against the resignee, the employer has no choice other than accepting the resignation.
When the resignation is in order in all the above aspects, I don't think that the employer can have the prerogative, if any to take exception to the reasons of resignation mentioned by the employee and refuse to accept it on that score and direct the employee formally to change the reasons. If the employer has got any discomfiture about the reasons cited, why not he try to take some remedial measures, counsel the employee personally and request him to stay on? In the absence of any such positive gestures it would automatically imply that the resignation is acceptable to the employer but for the reasons. No other individual whether it be an organization or an employer has the right to ask any other individual to change the reasoning for a lawful decision taken by him.
The poster can simply walk away, if his resignation is in order in all respects without waiting for a formal acceptance. After all his skills and experience are going to accompany him always in future, if not a positive reference from such an adamant employer.

From India, Salem

What I 've mentioned in my previous post are the legality of a genuine resignation as a mode of termination of his contract of employment by an employee and the employer's obligation to accept the same without any hitch dictated by any subjective considerations and in case of refusal by the employer without any valid reasons, the appropriate decision the employee has to take.
However, I 've no hesitation to second the alternatives suggested by our learned friend Thiagu. If the poster is not prepared for a showdown with his employer in view of any better job on his way, he can consider changing the reasons as desired by his employer as follows :
" In view of my personal /family problems, I am unable to continue my services in the organization though I find my going good and therefore I submit herewith my resignation with effect from....... for favor of acceptance."

From India, Salem

My advice would be simple.
Why are you being over truthful in your reasons for exit?
Do you think by writing your feelings, the company is going to become a better place to work for others.
Change the reason and leave peacefully.
Your working for your future or to make previous company a better place?
Be practical-you were not happy or got better prospects so just move on in line.

From India, Pune

Further to the inputs provided our friends I opine that the management should take it in a positive way, understand and try to address the related issues as the organization is going to continue longer where the employees may come and go.
In the present competitive world unless the organizations focus on development the survival shall be difficult so they should be ready for change.
On going through your posting it is understood that the Management is not ready even to listen / see a negative comment leaving aside the change / correction part hence its better to keep yourself away from that type of unprofessional even unethical organization.
Please think once again and do accordingly.
Thanks and regard

From India, Hyderabad
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