Dear all
I'm a BBA student studying in 3rd year and currently specializing in HR.I would like to find out what the " Job competition theory" is and how it can be related to Compensation mgt.
From Sri Lanka, Colombo
I'm a BBA student studying in 3rd year and currently specializing in HR.I would like to find out what the " Job competition theory" is and how it can be related to Compensation mgt.
From Sri Lanka, Colombo
As a final year BBA student that knows how to post a message here, I suggest that you kindly serch the web using the key words from your query (I found quite a few websites doing that) . And having studied the material available, please post what you found and we will certainly help you clear any misconceptions.
Following my advice will help you to become a life-long self-learner rather than one that relies on hand-outs.
I am sure some do-gooders will give you the answer you are looking for. I usually do not dish out answers.
Have a lovely day.
A retired academic in the UK
From United Kingdom
Following my advice will help you to become a life-long self-learner rather than one that relies on hand-outs.
I am sure some do-gooders will give you the answer you are looking for. I usually do not dish out answers.
Have a lovely day.
A retired academic in the UK
From United Kingdom
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